Dear Marmamers,

My co-authors and I would like to share the publication of a new paper on
the abundance of harbor porpoise Southeast Alaska inland waters:

*Estimating abundance of an elusive cetacean in a complex environment:
Harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in inland waters of Southeast Alaska*
Alexandre N. Zerbini, Kimberly T. Goetz, Karin A. Forney and Charlotte Boyd

The harbor porpoise (*Phocoena phocoena*) is common in temperate waters of
the eastern North Pacific Ocean, including Southeast Alaska inland waters,
a complex environment comprised of open waterways, narrow channels, and
inlets. Two demographically independent populations are currently
recognized in this region. Bycatch of porpoises in the salmon drift gillnet
fisheries is suspected to occur regularly. In this study, we apply distance
sampling to estimate abundance of harbor porpoise during ship surveys
carried out in the summer of 2019. A stratified survey design was
implemented to sample different harbor porpoise habitats. Survey tracklines
were allocated following a randomized survey design with uniform coverage
probability. Density and abundance for the northern and southern Southeast
Alaska inland water populations were computed using a combination of
design-based line- and strip-transect methods. A total of 2,893 km was
surveyed in sea state conditions ranging from Beaufort 0 to 3 and 194
harbor porpoise groups (301 individuals) were detected. An independent
sighting dataset from surveys conducted between 1991 and 2012 were used to
calculate the probability of missing porpoise groups on the survey
trackline (g[0]=0.53, CV=0.11). Abundance of the northern and southern
populations were estimated at 1,619 (CV=0.26) and 890 (CV=0.37) porpoises,
respectively. Bycatch estimates, which were only obtained for a portion of
the drift gillnet fishery, suggest that mortality within the range of the
southern population may be unsustainable. Harbor porpoises are highly
vulnerable to mortality in gillnets, therefore monitoring abundance and
bycatch is important for evaluating the potential impact of fisheries on
this species in Southeast Alaska.

The article can be downloaded here:

Best wishes and Happy New Year!

Alex Zerbini

Alexandre N Zerbini, Ph.D.
Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, and Ecosystem Studies (CICOES).
University of Washington
Marine Mammal Laboratory
Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA, 98115-6349, USA
Phone: (206) 526.4511 <(206)%20526-4511>

Cascadia Research Collective
218 1/2 W 4th Ave
Olympia, WA, 98501, USA

Marine Ecology and Telemetry Research
2468 Camp McKenzie Tr NW
Seabeck, WA 98380
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