Dear colleagues,

On behalf of my co-authors, I am pleased to announce our recent publication
in Ecological Applications:

Szesciorka, A. R., Demer, D., Santora, J. A., Forney, K. A., Moore, J.
2022. Multi-scale relationships between humpback whales and forage species
hotspots within a large marine ecosystem. Ecological Applications e2794.

Article link:

Abstract: Fluctuations in prey abundance, composition, and distribution can
impact predators, and when predators and fisheries target the same species,
predators become essential to ecosystem-based management. Because of the
difficulty in collecting concomitant predator–prey data at appropriate
scales in patchy environments, few studies have identified strong linkages
between cetaceans and prey, especially across large geographic areas.
During summer 2018, a line-transect survey for cetaceans and coastal
pelagic species was conducted over the continental shelf and slope of
British Columbia, Canada, and the US West Coast, allowing for a large-scale
investigation of predator–prey spatial relationships. We report on a case
study of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and their primary
prey—Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii), northern anchovy (Engraulis
mordax), and krill—using generalized additive models to explore the
relationships between whale abundance on 10-km transect segments and prey
metrics. Prey metrics included direct measures of biomass densities on
segments and an original hotspot metric. For each prey species, segments in
the upper fifth percentile for biomass density (across all segments) were
designated hotspots, and whale counts on a segment were evaluated for their
relationship to number of hotspot segments (species-specific and
multispecies) within 25, 50, or 100 km. Whale abundance was not strongly
related to direct measures of biomass densities, whereas models using
hotspot metrics were more effective at describing variation in whale
abundance, underscoring that evaluating prey at relevant and measurable
scales is critical in patchy, dynamic marine environments. Our analysis
highlighted differences in the distribution and prey availability for three
humpback whale distinct population segments (DPSs) as defined under the US
Endangered Species Act, including threatened and endangered DPSs that
forage within the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. These linkages
provide insights into which prey species whales may be targeting in
different regions and across multiple scales and, consequently, how
climatic variability and anthropogenic risks may differentially impact
these distinct predator–prey assemblages. By identifying scale-appropriate
prey hotspots that co-occur with humpback whale aggregations, and with
targeted, consistent prey sampling and estimations of potential consumption
rates by whales, these findings can help inform the conservation and
management of humpback whales within an ecosystem-based management

Feel free to reach out to me at if you would like a
PDF of the paper or if you have any questions.


Angela Szesciorka, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Marine Mammal Institute
Oregon State University
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