Dear MARMAM community,

On behalf of the Editorial board of the Latin American Journal of Aquatic 
Mammals (LAJAM), led by our Editor-in-Chief Dr. Miriam Marmontiel and our 
Managing Editor Dr. Daniel González-Socoloske, I would like to announce the 
publication of a Special Issue for the 20th anniversary of the Journal.

As many of you may already know, LAJAM is an open access peer-reviewed 
scientific electronic journal that publishes articles on research, management 
and conservation biology of aquatic mammals in Latin America. 

To celebrate our 20-year milestone, a new special issue of the journal was 
conceived with the idea of publishing a series of review papers focusing on 
major topics related to the aquatic mammals of Latin America. A call for 
proposals was sent to aquatic mammal scientists that work in the area. We 
received over 30 proposals, which were carefully reviewed and the authors of 15 
of these proposals  were  invited  to  submit  reviews. The  Editor-in-Chief 
along  with  four  associate  editors  (Nataly  Castelblanco-Martinez,  Daniel  
Gonzalez-Socoloske,  Carolina  Loch, and Aldo S. Pacheco) were selected as 
guest editors for this special issue. In the end, 10 review articles passed the 
peer-review process, and these are:

Huesca-Domínguez,  I.,  Morteo,  E.,  Hernández-Candelario,  I.,  
Delfín-Alfonso,  C.  A.,  Abarca-Arenas,  L.  G.,  Marmontel,  M.,  & Palacios, 
D.M. (2023). Two decades of the Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals 
(LAJAM): A bibliometric review for the period 2002 – 2022. Latin American 
Journal of Aquatic Mammals, 18(1), 5-20.

Borobia, M., Vail, C., Pusineri, C., & Conruyt, G. (2023). Review of threats 
and implementation of the Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of Marine 
Mammals in the Wider Caribbean Region. Latin  American  Journal  of  Aquatic  
Mammals,  18(1), 21-38.

Escobar-Lazcano,  M.  J.,  Morteo,  E.,  Delfin-Alfonso,  C.  A., 
Hernández-Candelario,  I.  C.,  &  Abarca-Arenas,  L.  G.  (2023).  Trends and 
gaps in marine mammal research from Mexico during 1998 - 2021. Latin American 
Journal of Aquatic Mammals, 18(1), 39-49.

Viglino,  M.,  Valenzuela-Toro,  A.  M.,  Benites-Palomino,  A.,  
Hernández-Cisneros, A. E., Gutstein, C. S., Aguirre-Fernández, G., 
Vélez-Juarbe, J., Cozzuol, M. A., Buono, M. R., & Loch, C. (2023). Aquatic 
mammal fossils in Latin America – a review of records, advances and challenges 
in research in the last 30 years. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, 
18(1), 50-65.

Loizaga, R., Caballero, S., Cunha, H. A., Gravena, W., Herrerra-Trujillo,  O.,  
Lopes,  F.,  Milmann,  L.,  Ott,  P.  H.,  Pérez-Alvarez,  M.  J.,  Túnez,  J.  
I.,  Durante,  C.  A.,  &  Oliveira,  L.  R.  (2023).  South American aquatic 
mammals: an overview of 20 years focusing on molecular techniques applied to 
conservation. Latin  American  Journal  of  Aquatic  Mammals,  18(1),  66-95.

Chávez-Andrade,  M.,  de  la  Cueva,  H.,  Luévano-Esparza,  J.,  &  Lavín 
Murcio, P. A. (2023). Contributions of bioacoustics to the scientific knowledge 
of marine mammals in Latin America.Latin  American  Journal  of  Aquatic  
Mammals,  18(1),  96-113.

Gonzalez-Socoloske, D., & Olivera-Gómez, L. D. (2023). Seeing in the dark: A 
review of the use of side-scan sonar to detect and  study  manatees,  with  an  
emphasis  on  Latin  America.  Latin  American  Journal  of  Aquatic  Mammals,  
18(1),  114-124.

Amaral,  R.  S.,  Marmontel,  M.,  Souza,  D.  A.,  Carvalho,  C.  C.,  
Valdevino,  G.  C.  M.,  Guterres-Pazin,  M.  G.,  Mello,  D.  M.  D.,  Lima,  
D.  S.,  Chávez-Pérez,  H.  I.,  &  da  Silva,  V.  M.  F.  (2023).  Advances 
in the knowledge of the biology and conservation of the Amazonian manatee 
(Trichechus inunguis). Latin American Journal  of  Aquatic  Mammals,  18(1),  

Silva,  V.  M.  F.,  Brum,  S.  M.,  Mello,  D.  M.  D.,  Amaral,  R.  S.,  
Gravena,  W.,  Campbell,  E.,  Gonçalves,  R.  S.,  &  Mintzer,  V.  J.  
(2023).  The  Amazon  River  dolphin,  Inia  geoffrensis:  What  have we 
learned in the last two decades of research? Latin American Journal of Aquatic 
Mammals, 18(1), 139-157.

Castelblanco-Martínez, D. N., Gonzalez-Socoloske, D., Cabrias, L., 
Garcés-Cuartas, N., Arévalo-González, G. K., Borges, J. C. G., & Marmontel, M. 
(2023). Accomplishments and challenges of research on the Antillean manatee: A 
bibliometric analysis. Latin  American  Journal  of  Aquatic  Mammals,  18(1),  

Please click the following link to have full access to the publications:

We hope you enjoy reading these contributions, and we also invite you to 
consider our journal to submit your next manuscripts:

Kind regards,

Dr. Eduardo Morteo


Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas
Universidad Veracruzana

Calle Dr. Castelazo Ayala S/N, Col. Industrial Ánimas
CP 91190, Xalapa, Veracruz, México.

Ph/Tel: +52 (228) 841 89 00 

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