Dear MARMAM colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the following paper is now available online:
Enrico Pirotta, Alejandro Fernandez Ajó, KC Bierlich, Clara N. Bird, C. Loren 
Buck, Samara M. Haver, Joseph H. Haxel, Lisa Hildebrand, Kathleen E. Hunt, 
Leila S. Lemos, Leslie New, Leigh G. Torres. Assessing variation in faecal 
glucocorticoid concentrations in gray whales exposed to anthropogenic 
stressors. Conservation Physiology.
Understanding how individual animals respond to stressors behaviourally and 
physiologically is a critical step towards quantifying long-term population 
consequences and informing management efforts. Glucocorticoid (GC) metabolite 
accumulation in various matrices provides an integrated measure of adrenal 
activation in baleen whales and could thus be used to investigate physiological 
changes following exposure to stressors. In this study, we measured GC 
concentrations in faecal samples of Pacific Coast Feeding Group (PCFG) gray 
whales (Eschrichtius robustus) collected over seven consecutive years to assess 
the association between GC content and metrics of exposure to sound levels and 
vessel traffic at different temporal scales, while controlling for contextual 
variables such as sex, reproductive status, age, body condition, year, time of 
year and location. We develop a Bayesian Generalized Additive Modelling 
approach that accommodates the many complexities of these data, including 
non-linear variation in hormone concentrations, missing covariate values, 
repeated samples, sampling variability and some hormone concentrations below 
the limit of detection. Estimated relationships showed large variability, but 
emerging patterns indicate a strong context-dependency of physiological 
variation, depending on sex, body condition and proximity to a port. Our 
results highlight the need to control for baseline hormone variation related to 
context, which otherwise can obscure the functional relationship between faecal 
GCs and stressor exposure. Therefore, extensive data collection to determine 
sources of baseline variation in well-studied populations, such as PCFG gray 
whales, could shed light on cetacean stress physiology and be used to extend 
applicability to less-well-studied taxa. GC analyses may offer greatest utility 
when employed as part of a suite of markers that, in aggregate, provide a 
multivariate measure of physiological status, better informing estimates of 
individuals’ health and ultimately the consequences of anthropogenic stressors 
on populations.
Keywords: anthropogenic stressors, baleen whales, dose-response functions, 
faecal hormone metabolites, glucocorticoids, Pacific Coast Feeding Group gray 
whales, physiological variation.
A PDF copy of the paper can be downloaded for free from:
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any question regarding our work.
Best Regards,
Enrico Pirotta
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