Dear MARMAM community,

Since 2014, multiple whale species are being entangled in lines and nets at an 
elevated rate in Pacific fisheries across the western United States. These 
entanglements are leading to incidental mortalities and serious injuries in 
already distressed whale populations and, if left unchecked, may have serious 
negative population-level impacts.  The Center for Biological Diversity and its 
partners are seeking the support of concerned scientists for the establishment 
of a marine mammal take reduction team (TRT) to address and mitigate the 
pressing threat of entanglements.

We ask and encourage you to lend your support and expertise to the 
establishment of TRT to research and implement management policy to mitigate 
the growing threat of entanglement and mortality on whale species in Pacific 
fisheries. Please click this link to a google 
form<> to find the TRT comment letter 
addressed to NOAA and NMFS and to indicate your support. Thank you for your 
concern and participation.
Scientist Letter of Support: West Coast Take Reduction Team 
NMFS committed to issuing a notice establishing a TRT by October 31, 2025, and 
to convene the first TRT meeting by November 30, 2025. The full NOAA notice can 
be found here:
 If you are a scientist or expert, please fill out this form to sign onto the 
letter in support of the formation of a West Coast Take Reduction Team. The 
deadline to sign on is November 26, 2023. If you have any questions, email 
Kaushik Narasimhan,, or Ben Grundy, The letter can be reviewed below or accessed 
through the following link: Take Reduction Team Sign on Letter


Dr. Kaushik Narasimhan

Staff Scientist, Oceans Program

Center for Biological Diversity <>

510-844-7153 ext. 353
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