Greetings MARMAM community!

Join us on Thursday, December 14th at 1 pm PST / 5 pm AST / 9 pm GMT for the 
next SMM Editors' Select Series Webinar: Narwhal calling rate changes in 
association with passing ships in Milne Inlet, Nunavut, Canada with Crystal 

This event is free to attend and presented online via Zoom, but registration is 
Register here: 
Space on Zoom is limited to the first 500 attendees. The talk will also be 
streamed live on the SMM Facebook page.

About the talk:
Concerns were raised about possible behavioural disturbance to narwhals 
(Monodon monoceros) when exposed to shipping noise in Milne Inlet, Baffin 
Island, Nunavut, Canada. It is known that marine mammals often change their 
behaviours especially their vocalizations, around ships.  With the use of 
underwater recordings operating continuously over two months (in 2018 and 
2019), narwhal vocalizations in Milne Inlet were analyzed. Narwhals produce 
three social call types, whistles, buzzes and knocks. The calling rates of each 
call type were determined when no ships were present and during ship transits 
in a before-during-after analysis. Narwhal call counts were generally lower 
when bulk carriers were within line-of-sight (5 km), including when ship noise 
levels were barely above background noise levels. Call counts varied both 
“before” and “after” individual bulk carriers passed by the recorders. There 
was no evidence of habituation or sensitization to the bulk carrier noise 
within or between years. Continued monitoring in this area is recommended, 
especially if shipping levels increase.

About the presenter:
Crystal studied at the University of New Brunswick, in Saint John, NB, Canada 
for undergraduate and graduate studies. Her honours project was on the 
underwater soundscape of Mawson Station, Antarctica and the impacts this could 
have on the masking of Weddell seal calls.  Her masters thesis was on the 
classification of narwhal calls and the changes in calling rates in association 
with passing ships. She has also volunteered with various organizations (Bimini 
Biological Field Station, Dolphin Communication Project and Operation Wallacea) 
for marine mammal, fish and marine invertebrate studies. 

Open access to this article is made temporarily available in the weeks around 
the presentation and can be found here:
Current SMM members have access to all Marine Mammal Science papers.

Missed a presentation or want to share this series with a friend? All previous 
Editors' Select presentations are recorded and archived on our YouTube channel 

We hope to see you there!

Ayça Eleman, Ph.D. Candidate
Theresa-Anne Tatom-Naecker, Ph.D. Candidate
Sophia Volzke, Ph.D. Candidate
Student Members-at-Large (SMaLs)
The Society for Marine Mammalogy

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