On behalf of my co-authors and I, we are pleased to announce our recent
publication in Conservation Physiology:

Riordan K, Thometz NM, Batac FI, Nicholson TE, Liwanag HEM (2023) Effects
of ontogeny and oiling on the thermal function of southern sea otter
(Enhydra lutris nereis) fur. Conserv Physiol 11(1): coad095;


During the evolution of most marine mammals, fur as an insulator has been
replaced with more buoyant, energy storing and streamlining blubber. By
contrast, the sea otter (Enhydra lutris) relies on insulation from its
dense, air-trapping pelage, which differs morphologically between natal and
adult stages. In this study, we investigated the ontogenetic changes in
thermal function of southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) pelts in
air, in water, and when saturated with crude oil. Pelt thermal
conductivity, thickness, and thermal resistance were measured for six age
classes: neonate (<1 month), small pup (1–2 months), large pup (3–5
months), juvenile (6 months–1 year), subadult (1–3 years), and adult (4–9
years). Thermal conductivity was significantly higher for pelts in air than
in water, with oiled pelts exhibiting the highest values (P < 0.001). Oiled
pelts had the lowest thermal resistance, which suggests that regardless of
age, all sea otters are vulnerable to the effects of oiling (P < 0.001). To
scale up our laboratory findings, we used a volume specific geometric model
of conductive heat transfer for a simplified sea otter body, representing
all tested age classes and treatments. Neonates, small pups, and large pups
are more vulnerable to the effects of oiling compared with older age
classes (P < 0.0001) due to a higher surface area-to-volume ratio. These
results are consistent with the known thermal conductance values for adult
sea otter pelts, yet this is the first time such thermal differences have
been demonstrated in young otters. Overall, body size and age play a more
important role in the thermal abilities of sea otters than previously

The article can be found here:

Kate Riordan

M.S. in Biological Sciences

Biologist/Environmental Scientist


(805) 235-0760
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