Dear MARMAM colleagues,

On behalf of my co-authors, I am pleased to share our new publication in the open access journal PeerJ , Vol. 12, No. e16688:

Ouzoulias, F. / Bousquet, N. / Genu, M. / Gilles, A. / Spitz, S. / Authier, M.

Development of a New Control Rule for Managing Anthropogenic Removals of Protected, Endangered or Threatened Species in Marine Ecosystems <>

In this publication, we developed and encoded in our R package RLA <> a new control rule for setting limit reference points (or removals limits) to the anthropogenic removals of protected, endangered or threatened species. We carried population dynamics simulations in a Management Strategy Evaluation framework to test and benchmark several control rules: PBR, RLA and a new rule control we called ART for 'Anthropogenic Removals Threshold'. These simulations were calibrated on life history parameters of the Harbour Porpoise (/Phocoena phocoena/) in the North Sea. Taking into account uncertainty in key parameters such as Maximum Net Productivity Level and biases in estimates (e.g.  by-catch estimates), we investigated the performance of the different control rules to reach a given conservation objective (eg restoring or maintaining depletion levels above X% of carrying capacity over Z years with probability P). Our simulations confirmed the remarkable effectiveness of PBR. On the other hand, ART was the only rule that allowed for a decreasing trend in the reference point/removals limit over time, thereby displaying greater alignment with current policy aspirations in the European Union such as minimzing, and where possible eliminating, by-catch of protected, endangered or threatened species.

If you have any questions about our work, please reach out.


Matthieu Authier

Matthieu Authier - Ingénieur de Recherche
La Rochelle Université
Observatoire Pelagis UAR 3462 CNRS-LRUniv
5 allée de l'océan 17 000 La Rochelle
telephone: +00 33 (0)7 77 22 32 67 (remote-working/télé-travail)
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