Dear Marmam community,

My co-authors and I are pleased to share our recent publication:
Effects of duty cycle on passive acoustic monitoring metrics:The case of blue 
whale songs in Indian Ocean, published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society 
of America. You can view the article at

Long-term fixed passive acoustic monitoring of cetacean populations is a 
logistical and technological challenge, often limited by the battery capacity 
of the autonomous recorders. Depending on the research scope and target 
species, temporal subsampling of the data may become necessary to extend the 
deployment period. This study explores the effects of different duty cycles on 
metrics that describe patterns of seasonal presence, call type richness, and 
daily call rate of three blue whale acoustics populations in the Southern 
Indian Ocean. Detections of blue whale calls from continuous acoustic data were 
subsampled with three different duty cycles of 50%, 33%, and 25% within 
listening periods ranging from 1min to 6 h. Results show that reducing the 
percentage of recording time reduces the accuracy of the observed seasonal 
patterns as well as the estimation of daily call rate and call type richness. 
For a specific duty cycle, short listening periods (5–30 min) are preferred to 
longer listening periods (1–6 h). The effects of subsampling are greater the 
lower the species’ vocal activity or the shorter their periods of presence. 
These results emphasize the importance of selecting a subsampling scheme 
adapted to the target species.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me:

Many thanks,
Best regards
Mathilde Michel

Logo ENSTA Bretagne <> Logo LabSTIC <>

Mathilde MICHEL
*Doctorante*// PhD Student/
*+33 (0)2 21 09 58 89
* *Lab-STICC – UMR CNRS 6285
ENSTA Bretagne
*Grande école d'ingénieurs et centre de recherche*
/French State Graduate, Post-Graduate and Research Institute
/ 2 rue François Verny - 29806 Brest Cedex 9 - France <>

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