Dear MARMAM Community Members,

I am a PhD candidate working on a project comparing the aquatic maneuvering 
behaviors and biomechanics of five families of marine carnivorans: Ursidae, 
Mustelidae, Phocidae, Otariidae, and Odobenidae.

I am looking to supplement my current dataset with opportunistically collected 
video footage of marine carnivores performing natural aquatic maneuvers, (e.g., 
turning, rolling, and leaping/porpoising) underwater or at the water’s surface. 
I am interested in videos of both captive and wild animals. If you have 
collected videos like this that you’ve taken as part of your research, 
education, and/or outreach activities, I would appreciate the opportunity to 
see if they can be included in my study.

If you have footage you are willing to share, you can email me directly  
(<>) or share access via a 
cloud storage folder.  I will always provide due credit in 
presentations/publications, so please include in all file names (1) species, 
and (2) specifications for how the footage should be credited. If you have any 
reservations about footage usage (i.e., okay for biomechanical analysis, but 
not okay for presentations/figures/etc.), please include that information with 
the files and/or we can schedule a time to discuss project goals and video 

Thank you for your assistance!

Take care,

Ariel Leahy

PhD candidate, CEAL Lab

Baylor University, Waco, TX

Ariel Leahy
Ph.D. candidate | CEAL lab | ​ Baylor University
Graduate Assistant | Biology
M.S., Biology 2020 | Liquid Life Laboratory | West Chester University

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