Dear MARMAM community,

My co-authors and I are pleased to share our recent publication:

Fontanesi E., Ascheri D., Salvioli F., Bertulli C.G., McGinty N. (2024)
Bottlenose dolphin (*Tursiops truncatus*) habitat partitioning in relation
to age classes in the northwest Mediterranean Sea. Mar Biol 171, 137.


 Understanding the impact of environmental and biological factors on
species’ habitat use is crucial for conservation. A regular presence of
common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) has recently been observed
in the Western Ligurian Sea, but their distribution, habitat preferences,
and social dynamics remain poorly understood. This study aims to
investigate these aspects, focusing on spatial distribution and habitat
partitioning by age classes. Data were collected during 273 boat-based
surveys from April 2018 to December 2021, resulting in 146 dolphin
sightings. Group size and composition were analysed based on three
group-types: N-groups including at least one newborn (n = 35), C-groups
with at least one calf but no newborns (n = 62) and A-groups comprising
only independent juveniles, subadults and/or adults (n = 49). Using an
ensemble modelling approach (BIOMOD), each group’s distribution was
separately modelled incorporating seven environmental variables.
Bathymetry, distance to the shelf break, bottom type and sea surface
temperature emerged as the most significant predictors influencing groups’
distribution. Results showed N-groups predominantly occupying areas further
from the shore, C-groups distributed across both coastal waters and areas
near the shelf break and A-groups principally found very close to shore.
The study suggests habitat selection and group size vary based on the
unique needs and threats faced by the different age classes. These insights
are highly valuable for managing bottlenose dolphins in the Ligurian Sea,
considering the area’s particular morphology that leads to an important
overlap between their presence and local anthropogenic activities.

The article can be freely accessed as a view-only version using this link: .

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me at

All the best,

Elena Fontanesi


*Delfini del Ponente APS* <>
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