I've created a Patreon "About me" <https://www.patreon.com/marpa>, which
very briefly summarizes the history and current status of Marpa:

"In 2007, I decided to create a parsing tool based on Earley's algorithm --
like yacc, but more powerful. I called it Marpa. In technical terms, this
succeeded beyond my imaginings: Marpa was what people had originally hoped
yacc would be.

"Marpa was a joy to work on and I had been lucky with Sun stock options,
so, for several years, I was glad to self-finance my work on Marpa.
Unfortunately, this self-financing can no longer continue -- to the degree
that I cannot find support for my Marpa work from the open-source
community, I must turn my energies elsewhere.

"I will always work on Marpa, to whatever degree I can. Your generous
contributions can help. Thank you!"

I currently do not intend to create any Patreon- or donor-specific
content.  My thought is that the open-souce nature of Marpa-related stuff
is important to the community -- even to the community members who are

I've stated a goal of $2500 a month, which would allow me to work on Marpa
full-time going forward.  Patreon suggests that I set "pledge levels", so
here's what I did:  $1/mo symbolizes your support, and symbols can add up.
 $10/mo is something you might consider if you get real benefits from
Marpa, and feel you are in a position to pay those back.  $100/mo would be
a major step toward the goal.  The pledge levels are only thoughts --
Patreon allows contributions of all sizes.

I've already received a lot of wonderful support from the Marpa community
in terms of volunteer time.  Money has become important and will be going
forward, but I want to emphasize how grateful I am to those who contribute
time and effort.

Thanks, Jeffrey Kegler

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