Damian, I'm running into the same problems as Trevor with MartEditor: after several iterations of successful editing & exporting to db of a given dataset, MEditor starts importing configuration for the template ($datasetname_template). It subsequently insists on saving this back to the database, with no effect on the actual dataset I was trying to edit.

I'll try to use the workaround Trevor mentioned to salvage my config, but annoying nonetheless. I am using martj from CVS, is this a lesser problem in the official 0.5 release perhaps? I am reluctant to invest much work in configuring datasets if this keeps happening.

BTW In case it gives a clue in resolving this bug: when I do 'Save all' to save config XML to disk, I get one file named $dataset.xml and another named $dataset_template.template.xml for each dataset in my mart. Here's a sample diff of the first few elements in one of those pairs. Besides the extra filter in the second XML (the one I'm trying to add but can't!!), there's differences in the DatasetConfig element,I reckon that's where Trevor did his editing before loading back to the db. Dunno if that's normal for template vs non-template XML?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /tmp/allelefrequency.xml /tmp/ allelefrequency_template.template.xml
< <DatasetConfig dataset="AlleleFrequency" datasetID="3" displayName="AlleleFrequency" hideDisplay="false" interfaces="default" internalName="default" martUsers="default" modified="2007-06-05 14:52:41" softwareVersion="0.6" template="AlleleFrequency" type="TableSet" visible="1">
> <DatasetConfig dataset="AlleleFrequency_template" displayName="AlleleFrequency" hideDisplay="false" interfaces="default" internalName="template" martUsers="default" modified="2007-06-05 11:44:23.589" softwareVersion="0.6" template="AlleleFrequency" type="TableSet" visible="1">
> <DynamicDataset hideDisplay="false" internalName="AlleleFrequency" />
> <FilterDescription displayName="Frequencyasproportion" displayType="text" field="frequencyasproportion" hidden="false" hideDisplay="false" internalName="frequencyasproportion" key="AlleleFrequencyID_key" legal_qualifiers="=" qualifier="=" tableConstraint="main" type="text"> > <Option displayName="0.1" hidden="false" hideDisplay="false" internalName="0.1" isSelectable="1" value="0.1" /> > <Option displayName="0.3" hidden="false" hideDisplay="false" internalName="0.3" isSelectable="1" value="0.3" /> > <Option displayName="0.3" hidden="false" hideDisplay="false" internalName="0.3" isSelectable="1" value="0.3" />
> </FilterDescription>

Damian Smedley
Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:55:48 -0800

sounds like the template file which is what you are really editing when
using MartEditor has lost its mapping to the actual datasetConfig XML.
This template code in MartEditor is not particularly robust yet so the XML has probably got into a mess - do you want to send it to us and we can try
and spot what the problem is


On Tue, 13 Mar 2007, trevor paterson (RI) wrote:

> I am getting into difficulties trying to redit dataset configuration
> files using MartEditor...
> changes that i make don't seem to get 'Export'-ed back to the database -
> (though they do hang around in the Marteditor memory)
> eg
> if i have a dataset called maps...
> if i connect to the dataset witwith MartEditor and edit the config of
> filters on maps..
> 'Export' does not write changes back to the database config tables
> if I 'SaveAll' the edits do get saved to a file e.g maps.template.xml...
> I can then copy and rename this to maps.xml  (changing a couple of
> attributes in the file)
> and then overwrite the changes to the database using 'Upload All' - this
> then works
> however this is very laborious and error prone - are their known issues
> with this process, or any work arounds ? -
> the logic of the two files maps.xml and maps.template.xml is opaque to
> me
> cheers
> Trevor Paterson

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