Bob writes:

"Intersting that Ian has the same position on arming the KLA as the CIA but
it will hardly solve the question. In fact since the break up of Yugoslavia
the arming of various nationalist formations (Croatia, Bosnians,and now the
KLA has helped imperialism achieve the goal of destroying this former
deformed workers state and the rise of nationalism and communal bloodbaths
where the only difference in attrocities being carried out depends on who
got the most guns..."

Well, I find it interesting too that my position is the same as the CIA's
(this CIA position is news to me, but then I am not a close follower). I
agree also that "the only difference in attrocities being carried out
depends on who got the most guns." Croation (against Serbs and Muslims)
and, to a lesser extent, Muslim attrocities (against Serbs and Croats) are
well known (although Serbs complain correctly that the crime against
humanity of expelling some 150,000 Serbs from Krajina is glossed over amnd
ignored while the crimes of Milosevic are made the pretext for massive
bombing). However, it does depend on who has the "most" guns. While there
is no guarantee that arming the KLA will not result in Serbs being expelled
from Kosovo, I think it is the best guarantee that 1.8 million Albanians
will not be expelled. It is, of course, not a guarantee of an acceptable
outcome, but I think it is likely to be better than what will happen if
Serbs continue to have nearly all the guns.

Dr Ian Hunt,
Associate Professor in Philosophy,
Director, Centre for Applied Philosophy,
Philosophy Dept, School of Humanities,
Flinders University of SA,
Humanities Building,
Bedford Park, SA, 5042,
Ph: (08) 8201 2054 Fax: (08) 8201 2556

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