Now there's a novel idea. 

>>> "George Pennefather" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/04/99 01:41PM >>>
Hi Folks,

The war in Serbia is essentially an inter-capitalist war between an imperialist 
alliance and a capitalist state. Given this the war is essentially a war over how 
exploitation of the working class and the masses  is to generally proceed.

Consequently revolutionaries and the working class can have no class interest in 
supporting any side in this war. Opposition must be expressed against NATO, the 
Serbian regime and the KLA. The only correct position for revolutionaries to adopt is 
one of supporting the conversion of this war between capitalist states into a war of 
the working class against all the capitalist powers involved in the war. This position 
is advanced by revolutionaries of individual countries by exposing the bourgeois role 
conducted by their respective states. In this way they can promote opposition to the 
war by opposition to their "own"  government and state. Implicit in this political 
position is the eventual overthrowal of the government and the establishment of a 
federation of communist communities.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

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