John wrote:

> Dave wrote:
> > Kosovars should defend themselves also against any Serb oppression.
> Surely they are defending themselves by calling on the assistance of 
> NATO to arm and fight for them. You might not agree but that was 
> their decision.
We do not support ANY action by imperialism. Kosovars can chose 
to call on NATO but they will learn that this will be worse than Serb 
oppression which itself is caused by imperialism. 
> > We hope that multiethnic militias can stop Serb oppression and unite 
> > workers against imperialism. 
> Communists should always remain optomistic but we should never rely 
> on HOPE. Revolutions are not built on hope but on analysis and 
> action. Hope should be left to the Social(ist) Democrats and the 
> religious who are so much better at it.

I didnt say we should rely on hope. 

> > we have to spell out the ABC's of communist leadership in oppressed 
> > countries as well. Otherwise workers will fall into the trap of 
> > popular fronts with their bourgeoisies. 
> So what you are saying is that, unless they are directed by the left 
> in the imperialist countries (who have dramatically failed to build 
> any serious Anti-Imperialist movement) then those fighting in the 
> oppressed countries will fail. This seems to fly in the face of Marx 
> and Engels' post-1848 position, when they agreed that Ireland was
> the key to revolution in Britain not the other way round. This 
> appears to have been proved correct by the example of Russia, China, 
> Cuba, Vietnam etc. who have shown that it is the workers of the 
> oppressed nations who are the most revolutionary in practice. It 
> should be us who follow their lead, their action and their ability to 
> come to the right decisions without the benefit of 'western 
> education'. This is even more so when interferring in their struggle 
> in a situation they clearly know best.

No I said nothing about directing the struggle in oppressed 
countries from the oppressor countries. Communists have an 
international programme and have to build an international party in 
both oppressed and oppressor countries.  "We" therefore are not 
located in any specific country. The struggle of workers and poor 
peasants in oppressed countries has to be taken up and supported by 
workers in the oppressor countries so that imperialism is smashed at 

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