Jim writes!
> It's an interesting point - why don't the KLA support unity with
> Albania? Perhaps it's because Albania is even more economically bankrupt
> than Yugoslavia: hardly an attractive prospect. And if they don't want
> unity with Albania, do they want independence? 

Probably because the KLA would undermine its *own* nationalist wannabes. I mean how 
could they get state power in Albania? These demogoes who base their ideology on 
nationalism also need the guns to back it up. In Kosovo they can become a little click 
who administrates things for imperialism. But in Albania there are other nationalist 
tendencies that want to run the same sham.

In fact in a sense the latest round of Balkanization is similar to parts of Africa. 
Where former "marxists" are now fighting guerilla wars and backed by different 
imperialisms with the ex Soviet Union out of the way.

The destruction of the Soviet Union has pushed these grouping down the path of 
nationalism and becoming and agent for one imperialist power or another,

The difference is that in Africa there is room forthe creation of national states with 
black nationalist frontmen vying for imperialist support to exploit these states.

In the Balkans there is no room but is a corridor in the middle of Europe for 
imperialist manuveruing and intrigues to get a position before the outbreak of a new 
war in Europe ..So the Balkans are hardly important out of a utopian nation state 
discussion but as a strategic place in the middle of Europe to be occupied.

This goes for the middle east too. In fact it is the oil their that is important. And 
it is connected to the Balkans...

And in back of the unrest in the Balkans is in fact the question of oil in the 
southern belly of the ex Soviet Union and where the pipelines will go. Over this way 
or through the middle east and Iran. So conflicting and VITAL imperialist interests 
are at stake and that is why this war is going on.

Hardly about nation states or human rights. 

To bad the left has been side railed into this garbge and quagmire. 

Warm regards
Bob Malecki

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