G'day John,

>I was thinking it is very out-of-character not to get my daily dose 
>of long-winded & vituperative lambastes against fellow list members!

E-mail is beaut precisely because you get to have your say without being
interrupted - a luxury for lefties today.  Of course, the longer you take to
say it, the less likely it is that anyone's listening.  And this lot aren't
being vituperative, John.  Hang around, comrade!

For mine, Hugh's argument is pretty okay by NATO's long-term policy in
Eastern Europe: balkanising a potentially problematic region by promoting
ethnic divisions and redrawing borders around nice small ethnic enclaves. 
What was that Lenin had to say about the state?   An organ for the
oppression of one class by another ... the creation of an order ...
legalising and perpetuating that oppression, blah, blah ...  Well, a
plethora of little ones of those wouldn't hurt Euroyank policy-makers one
bit, I reckon.  Divide and rule, eh?

I happen to think there's a point there - but at least it should generate
some of that vituperation you're missing.

Moderators making trouble, eh?  Is there no end to these dialectical
contradictions ...


     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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