Taken with a grain of salt, even bourgeois social scientists give evidence that this 
period is not happy economics for the working class, alienation, toilsome work, 
socalled crisis for wage-laborers.

Expropriate the expropriators for fast, fast, fast relief.

Charles Brown


only one in four?  or is this just those who look like they might biff
their supervisor?


"As Many as One in Four Workers Are Angry on the Job, Report Finds

CHICAGO--As many as one in four U.S. workers may be chronically angry on
the job, with irate employees also more likely to be bored, have low
energy and feel "stuck" in their posts, according to a report released
Tuesday.   Employees are most likely to be angered by a boss or
supervisor, by a fellow employee or by others in the workplace who are
not being productive, by tight deadlines or heavy workloads, said Donald
Gibson, a professor at the Yale School of Management.  The findings,
from a 1996 poll of 1,000 workers, were contained in a report Gibson
released at a meeting of the Academy of Management in Chicago.   "A
turbulent economic environment that has produced, on the one hand,
productivity and growth and, on the other, wrenching change and
uncertainty, has buffeted the workplace," the report said.   "While a
majority of employees are responding to these conditions with reports of
workplace satisfaction, there remains a substantial portion who are
dissatisfied, even angry, at work," it added.  "Most visibly, anger is
linked to workplace aggression, which appears to be increasing. We are
weekly confronted with stories of workers taking aggressive, even
violent, action particularly against supervisors."

The survey found that 25% of those contacted said they were at least
somewhat angry at work on a continuing basis.  The study did not
speculate on what percentage of angry workers are likely to resort to
violence. It did find that they feel less loyal to an employer.

There have been a number of workplace shootings in the United States
over the years, including recent rampages in Georgia and Alabama."

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