---------- Forwarded Message ----------

From:   neil, 74742,1651
CC:     Neil C., 74742,1651
DATE:   8/19/99 9:00 PM

RE:      IN 20

Dear Abu Nasr, et al,

I don't think i have ever argued that  "......nations are a fiction,
and only class matters" etc, etc. Such views would  would amount to
an absurdity, a flight  away from scientific materialism .

I have argued that  marxist support (critical)  for new bourgeois nation 
states, was  an advance (economically)  in the17- 18th -19th century. This
was  before the  claws of the capitalist world market  dominated  the globe
 and the huge  proletariat was created world wide. But since the period  of
imperialist WW1,  material  conditions for possible proletarian revolution 
on a world scale have existed..
Previously i had also pointed out how this affected a qualitative change 
in the bolsheviks own programme (in Lenin's April thesis) and tactics and
how they  too wrestled with the vexed question of   toilers struggles and 
especially movements in  capitalisms peripheral  countries. 

In no way did i ever mean to disparage efforts by toilers groups, urban or
 rural in the peripheral states. It is understood that here too the waged
must organize independently of their bourgeoisie . Given that  normally 
military/political/economic  repression in the peripheral states is  much
 greater than inside  most of the metropoles, the communist programme for 
the dictatorship of the proletariat (DOP-soviet power) and not the fraud of
bourgeois "democratic"  national reform/liberation for workers has  since  
WW1, become the order of the day. The basic programme  of fighting for the
 DOP power applies to workers in all  nation states , but the tactics ,
 the conditions,  are somewhat  different in each country.

As concerns Abu's claim that really 'socialism' has failed in the Russia
and bloc  states. I can only say  that if one looked critically   at the
social relations dominant in these states , it is easy to see no economic
or political mass organs a la soviets, councils  have existed since the
20s. (Russia was the only one with a proletarian revolution even taking
power ) The workers afterward remained waged slaves , buying and selling
 continued, as did money, profits, class priveliges, and a never much
law of  value ,etc.  but under more direct state control. Smells pretty
much like 
state capitalist accumulation , not any  real paring down of all this as
part of any 
transition to socialist /communist relations .

Things may have turned out differently if the soviet revolutions in
Austria, Hungary and Finland as well as Italy had not been crushed by 
bourgeois reaction allied with its  social democracy (SD) in 1918-23.

Abu also points to the chauvinism of the Bersteinian wings  of SD before
WW1 esp as concerns  Zionism/Palestine . But social democracy had also
been exposed as no longer a working class internationalist  movement 
after each SD national party had supported its own  imperialist bourgeois
in WW1 (by the way many SD's even used 'national liberation" arguments to
justify this betrayal!)

Historically nationalist ideology binds the workers to their own bourgeois
National Liberation states are  no longer any 'step forward" for workers 
because in this epoch ,  one imperialist bloc or another allies with every 
national liberated state  to dominate it capitalistically and the national 
 state  is a bourgeois state, (even if some pre- capitalist relations still
i.e the state  used to control and  repress the toilers.

The term 'peripheral capitalist countries'  best  descibes  only  in
terms  the countries outside the metropoles but at the same time each 
peripheral state must  be understood  in its social economic particulars
as for example one cannot  consider India's social reations to be the same
as, say, Uganda, etc . Necessary distinctions must be made.  At the same
the  key factor  that imperialism as a WORLD system (dare I say  today
 globalized!!)   has effectively super-imposed the the laws of the
 market and the  economic mechanisms which accompany it  on pre-capitalist
 socio-economic  forms  so the vampire-infested 'global village' (or
system dominates  even the remotest parts of the globe.

The centers of the capitalist system draws the peripheries into their 
orbits thru the export of goods and capital  plus the imports of raw 
materials and agricultural products   and their integration into the 
internatinal division of labor.  This  force impells each country  to 
become incorporated  into capitalism's  cycle of reproduction and 
accumulation and the  laws of the system  exports  capitals contradictions
to all these countries with a vengeance.

In the imperialist epoch  even more sharply, capital dominates by also 
perpetuating  pre-bourgeois social and political systems , as long
as the laws  of maximum  profits are served ,as these relations also
 serve to keep the employed and disinherited masses  divided. Also 
capital also gets a breather as when revolts do break out, they can be
snuffed out  via the political fools gold of  national bourgeois 

Mass organizations  of struggle arise out of  deepening social oppression 
of capitals dominance . Today  in the peripheries, the communist DOP-soviet
programme no doubt could get a better -wider hearing  today than in the 
metropolitan countries.  Communists should organize as a Party  to build up

workplace as well as territorial groups of struggle  and influence them
with the communist class programme, against a nationalist class 
collaborationist one, in the course of the budding struggles .

The national bourgeoisie has, for the most part , become a constituent 
part  of the international bourgeoise which dominates the the whole 
system of exploitation  because it holds posession of the means of 
production on an international scale.  These material  connections put
 the national bourgeoisies  in cahoots to rob the workers, and each 
participate in the realtive division of surplus value  which is extorted 
INTERNATIONALLY from the proletariat. 

Fighting today for any final goal of the class struggles other than the 
proletariats  state power means acepting one form of bourgeois state or 
another  and this means  violence and continued  exploitation of 
workers.  Austerity & Repression, not  long term reform is what 
occupies the bags of political tricks of all burgeoisies . No bourgeois
state anywhere will  allow real   proletarian mass   political organization

to grow without savagely attacking it,  this is so whether the state is
 the most 'democratic' or, clericalist, or  semi- fascist. 

Of course the  reality is is that in face of  deep exploitation   and 
repression, nationalist  groups will exist, competing  with  communist 
 workers forces.  Given the  savage  oppression of capital , deep
 poverty , in some cases , open foreign occupation troops / more direct 
domination  , etc. we can understand why many honest  rank and file 
toilers get influenced by the nationalist bourgeois promises.  We 
communists should point out  why nationalist programmes are 
a trap/dead end  in this epoch . But we will only be believed if we 
become serious activists  inside the concrete struggles against  super-
exploitation and oppression in all countries   in accordance with relating
 to the general demands of the workers. Our agitation, propaganda 
and political organizing on these questions  will lead again to the 
accentuation of the proletariats class stamp  on the mass struggle
movements and influence the   building of unity with the proleatarian  
struggles in the oppressing countries.




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