At 06:58 10/09/99 +0200, Bob wrote:
>     Come on people! Stop bullshiting yourselves with this stuff. The most
>interesting aspect of all this is in fact events like Indonesia imploding

Indonesia is not imploding economically. The US has made the IMF threaten
to crash again by removing its international liquidity. Bob's hearty
exhortations to stop bull-shitting ourselves actually cover up the real
power relations. 

Some leftists have started to argue that credit sanctions were preferably
to an armed intervention force, which would be the surrogate of western
imperialism. Clinton seems to be saying something similar. There is no
intervention that is not free of imperialist contamination.  

>And if super exploitation was so fucking profound then why did we get WW1
>and WW2 while heading for WW3 is just because this system of things only
>works in a given historical and economical context..

Because there are limits to "the weakest link" theory for predicting the
outbreak of revolution.

>If as socialists we talked about the "weakest" link in the chain broke at
>the end of WW1 and WW2 why not the same as we go in the other direction.

What do you mean more exactly?

>Super exploitation only can work in a historical context of economic
>realities connected to and expanding world market and this is hardly the
>case today.

What do you mean?

>In fact the main contradictions are shifting from the third world to the
>first world as the chase for profits connected to the conservatism of the
>national bourgeoisies in the imperialist countries has to prepare for using
>its own workers in the next round of wars.

Just because the super-exploited workers of the third world are in a weak
position to pull down the capitalist world order now, does not mean that
the main contradictions of class struggle have shifted to the imperialist
countries. It is a world imperialist system. 

Nor does it mean, separate point, that inter-imperialist rivalry leading to
the risk of interimperialist wars is one of the main contractions. It is a
factor but it will probably work best to undermine the US claim to world
hegemoney in world governance.

>That things are exploding on the perifery today with the so called "death of
>communism" only confirms that detant was just bullshit. 

"Bullshit" seems a word that is used to substitute for thought. Detente was
actually all too successful.

>It shows that the
>system of imperialism just never will work 

The west is looking pretty smug economically. 

>and that super exploitation today
>comes in the form of demolishing the so called welfare states in favor of
>preparations for the next round of wars.

This is a very euro-centric view. 

>Super exploitation which could delay a new World War will never prevent it.

Are you consciously supporting what you would claim as a Leninist theory
that world war is inevitable? 

The implications are we should revive the peace movement, on a new basis,
not that we should prepare for intensified class struggle in the
imperialist countries.

It would make the turn in 1935 to the strategy of the international united
front even more important.

Chris Burford


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