G'day George,

Yep.  I have to agree.  Canberra is going with the military on tactics, and
with the Yanks on strategy.  0/2 for mine.  We're busy making something
that could have worked quite nicely into something that might well get very
ugly for all involved.

To torture an old Australian insult, if brains were dynamite, John Howard
still couldn't blow his nose.


>    Canberra's "hot pursuit" statement concerning invasions into West
>Timor  ties in with the views I have expressed concerning the imperialist
>invasion of  East Timor leading to the conflict widening to increasingly
>include all of  Timor. As I have already said the situation is more
>complicated than it may  appear and could lead to a very messy situation
>for Canberra.   The Australian's Defence Minister blunder is a further
>indication of how  unprepared and inexperienced they are diplomatically
>and militarily for their  new role as Washington rotweiler in the Indian/
>Pacific region.   Warm regards
>George Pennefather   Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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