Chris Burford says:
> >How has the Rethinking Marxism group dealt with it?

I'm not a regular reader of Rethinking Marxism, though I have picked up two
of last years issues. Usually I find their post-structuralist/pomo theory
not very filling say as compared to say, a lucid piece in Monthly Review.
But for what it is worth, when I lived with an acolyte of Resnick and Wolff,
editors of RM, who had studied under them at UMASS-Amherst, and got into an
argument about Althusser and cited E.P. Thompson's," The Poverty of Theory,"
(one of the most right-on and funny polemics I've ever read) it was as if
I'd quoted from some John Birch Society screed on the Illuminati. Ah, the
certainties of a supposed scientific marxism purged of those irritating
Hegelian, subjectivist, culturalist, romantic, idealistic elements. I'd have
to agree with Jim Heartfield when he says that Althusser, in his theory and
his practice, strangled The Subject.
                                                           Michael Pugliese

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