Here is Bob
">Well the problem is that people have not learned from history and that is
why we are in the position we find ourselves today."

>"Wailing about changing the human brain just won't do it.."

What is "learning from history" if it is not "changing the human brain"
Bob? But perhaps you only meant you were not wailing.
"I also note that many of our intellectuals today want to drag Marx Lenin
and Trotsky down with the same boat as Stalin. Well, Stalin and Stalinism
are responsible for what has happened and it hardly has anything to do with
the first three.And unlike our petty bourgeos intellectuals who have
arrived at what we call in Sweden the "du" stage we and workers should be
proud of our past leaders..."

Hmm. Sounds like "idealism" to me Bob, or the theory that history depends
on inidividuals.
">By the way it is interesting that Stalin worshipping seems to be coming
back in certain parts of the ex SU and east block countries. But hardly as
in the past. Today the cry is "It was better in the old days" and they are
absolutely correct despite the Stalinists! Just replace the picture of
Stalin with a hotdog...And a whole lot of social gains that held up thie
bureaucracy and you got it.."
I agree that Russia under Stalin was probably better in some respects than
Russia today, but it was clearly worse in respect of state terror (though
gangster terrorism is closing the gap), but I think we have different
reasons for this. I think that Russia under Stalin was a failed attempt at
socialism (utopian socialism, in fact) but it had a lot of advantages
because there was an attempt at Socialism. Bob probably has a different

"Meaning concretely that the basic fundamentals of the working class being
the only social force capable of doing the job is left behind for all kinds
of utopian garbage and even more important multi class formations!"

I agree that the working class is the only force that can get the job done
(but this is what makes Hugh suspect me of Russian anarchism - but then
Hugh did not notice that I was not rejecting military authority systems
outright, but only as an absolute principle of party organisation). But it
will not get the job done sponataneously and it won;'t get the job done
because of the leadership of the ICL (or most other groups I can think of).
I am not in principle opposed to "multi-class formations" any more than I
am opposed absolutely to parties that, at the right and necessary moment,
organise along miitary or quasi military lines. But if the ICL is doing
that, it is definitely not the right time.
">Revolutions dn't just happen they are made by classes and not
intellecxtuals doing a seperating the mind from the body circle jerk! Maybe
Hugh's makes the wrong comparison. How bout Rasputin Hugh? He was in to a
lot of heady stuff."

Silly abuse. The sort of "heady stuff" you complain of. This sort of
posturing is a real drag on working class organisation. Workers have no
confidence in loud-mouths.
>Buy the way the school principle yesterday announced at a mass gathering
>of students that Bob will be employed another year at school. This only
>after being confronted with all the students threatening a strike or riot
>in school on Friday which would have been my last day.. Two minutes later
>in my office she screamed at me. "Bob, we don't like having a gun pointed
>at our heads!"
>Now this is not "communism" ala Mezaro. But the kids did take a great step
>showing there social power against a horde of bureaucrats and politicians
>who are constantly trying to screw them. But this is only one small battle
>and not winning the war.
>And it will take a vanguard party at the head of the working class to win
>the war.
>This is also linked to a wave of mass student strikes that have broken out
>this week up here in the north with the attempts to fire all kurators,
>school nurses and school phycologists. Interestingly enough it happens to
>be people claiming to be "Trotskyists" that are being blamed for all this
>stuff. However not the ICL unfortunately.
Glad to hear of it Bob.
>     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Associate Professor Ian Hunt,
Head, Dept of Philosophy,
Director, Centre for Applied Philosophy,
Philosophy Dept, School of Humanities,
Flinders University of SA,
Humanities Building,
Bedford Park, SA, 5042,
Ph: (08) 8201 2054 Fax: (08) 8201 2556

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