Whilst I obviously tend to Simon's general point of view (although I'm
closer to Hugh on the finance/'productive capital' question) - and I do
find it strange to be considered 'pb' when we own nothing, 'parasites' when
we ask nothing, 'offering blueprints' when that is precisely what we know
we can not do, 'exploiting defeat' when it is all we hold dear that is
being defeated, and 'patronising' for believing in the potency of
democratic activism - I'd've thought we had better things to talk about.

Like the democratic activism going on in and regarding Seattle.

That consumate poll-watching politician par excellence, Clinton, is
actually opting to walk the thin high wire on this one - and the attempts
to ridicule the protesters are waning because this is too big, right across
the spectrum - and that little distinction between what is human and what
is market is pressing itself on people's attention around the world - and
third-worlders are feeling sufficiently cocky to talk about power gaps in
globalist paradise - and people are asking loudly how does the
socio-economic system we have address the gaps it immanently produces - and
our suits are coming to learn no-one is swallowing their tripe any more -
and unionists, students, anarchists, greenies and Marxists are getting used
to the feel of each others' shoulders again - and they're learning that the
great democracy's answer to popular expression comes from the barrels of
guns - but they're also tasting popular potency for the first time in a
generation.  All this in the belly of the beast, too!

Geez, that wouldabeen nice to talk about, eh?

Obviously not.


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