Perhaps somebody can answer this question.

In Ireland there is a points system for degree  places in university. The number of 
a student gets is a function as to how well s/he does in the Leaving Certificate
Examination. However a system has been introduced whereby as much as 15% of places are
reserved for mature students. These are people over twenty five years of age who may 
have done their Leaving Cert or not done well enough in it to qualify for a place in a
uinversity college. They have also apparently reserved places in college for students 
disadvantaged areas who don't do well enough in their Leaving Cert to qualify for a 

Whatever about giving grants to disadvantaged pupils I cannot see any fairness, so to
speak, in this kind of system. Surely the bourgeoisie are undermining their own 
norms of justice and fairness by undermining academic achievement as a criterion as to 
should go to college to take degrees. Since there are only a limited number of degree
places in all the universities in Ireland this means that this modified system allows
students who did not do as well as others to gain a place in a university.

Can anybody explain why the bourgeois state is introducing such as system. It cannot be
because they care about the disadvantaged.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

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