Charles: In feudalism, there were manors, which were self-sufficient economic units. 
the rise of capitalism, nation-states came about, defined by greatly expanded economic
linkages, that is a leap in the division of labor and socialization of labor. So, in 
sense the "nation" is a bourgeois entity. But it is not just , ideological, but a 
reality, a reality in the relations of production.  This material reality does not
contradict your claim that it is in the interests of the bourgeoisie, and not the 
of each nation. Marx and Engels reflected your sentiment below by their doctrine of
proletarian internationalism. However, to overcome the nation and nation-state, it is
necessary to recognize the material or economic as well as ideological nature of them.

George: A nation and a nation state are two distinctly different forms. The former is 
ideological construc whilst the latter is a real institution. A nation state is a state
while an nation is merely an notion or constituent of the imagination. However to call 
capitalist state a nation state is merely an attempt to lend legitimacy to the 
state. Calling a capitalist state a nation state is an ideological exercise designed to
deceive the exploited masses into accepting it. There is no need to call a capitalist
state a nation state.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

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