Hello all,

Everyone seems to be very quiet at the moment leaving Chris and Hugh 
to fight it out among themselves (and my posts received no replies 
either). Perhaps this list has moved from theory into practice and so 
their are only the inactive ones left ! (N.B. That was a joke)

Well Chris and Hugh, I found your discussion on Gramski very 
interesting but I do not really know enough about him to comment much 
(as I said when Chris raised it in relation to Ali). But I am afraid 
I am still not sure quite what he argued or whether I agree with his 
fundamental position or not? Although I disagree with all Hugh's 
Trotskist attacks nevertheless I do find myself feeling highly 
skeptical about Gramski. 

Over the new year I also looked at some of his pre-prison 
writings (because the CUP book is the only one I have and not because 
of any of the peculiar comments you made about him writing in prison 
?!?!?) and found them far from convincing. Part of the problem may be 
in the comment that Chris made about his theory applying to the state 
in advanced capitalist countries and his theory appears to be 
confined to (or tailored to, or appeals to) the Communist Parties in 
those countries. Are their many Gramscites in the oppressed nations?

Also I still haven't the faintest idea what hegemony is. Or whether 
it IS (in a material sense) at all. But I can see how all this might 
fit very well with Chris interest in Marxism and psychology and part 
of that great effort to combine Marx with Freud. Which, even if it 
were possible, I'm sure I would not find it very palatable. I would 
rather stick with an idea of the state based on its physical 
manifestations with a view of consciousness still based on the 
Marxist definition based on the effect of the material world. But 
perhaps I still misunderstand Gramski and he would agree too.

I remain suspicious but not unconvincable.


     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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