----- Original Message -----
From: Eric Odell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 8:43 AM
Subject: [marxist] new communist movement family tree!

> From: Eric Odell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey all:
> For anyone who's interested, Freedom Road Socialist Organization now
> has up on our web site the first iteration of the family tree of our
> organization and the new communist movement as a whole. We've been
> working hard on this for a couple months now, so I'm personally
> pretty psyched to finally make it available. (For any younger people
> on the list who aren't familiar with it, the new communist movement
> refers to the wave of revolutionary socialist organizations which
> developed out of the mass movements of the '60s and early '70s. Also
> sometimes called the modern anti-revisionist movement, it was largely
> Maoist in its flavor.) Dennis O'Neil has also written a piece titled
> "Some Lessons from the Family Tree of the New Communist Movement" to
> go with it.
> To check it out, go to http://www.freedomroad.org and click on the
> family tree button. If anyone has any information to add or correct,
> please drop us a line. This sucker's a work in progress, of course,
> and we will be progressively adding more stuff as we go. We want to
> eventually get to the point where you can click on the buttons for
> most of the groups and find out about who they were, what they did,
> etc.
> Also, if anyone has the energy to map out the Trotskyite wing of the
> movement (we don't), we're willing to provide the graphical tools we
> created.
> Peace
> Eric Odell
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