There is a  reports that a group of British Conservatives have approached a
US Congress committee to ask assistance with a feasability study on Britain
joining NAFTA.

In the post modernist world of politics this is not a rumour of a possible

It means 

1) that someone has decided that it is in their interestes to leak the
existence of such a study 

2) plans for such a study do indeed exist

3) the range of possibilities for the British economy has been irrevocably
altered several degrees by the fact that all other political calculators
may feel pressured to consider and at least discount this scenario. The
leakers have already achieved their first objective. 

Any confirmation on the western side of the pond?

Any comments on viability. It is primarily caution about gut little
Englanderism that makes the British government reluctant to spear-head a
campaign to join the Euro, but it is still being said without factual
contradiction that British economic cycles are out of sync with continental

And the British government continues to pursue a strong pound, high labour
flexibility, low unemployment policy with falling national debt, as in the

Chris Burford


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