SCMP  Thursday, March 30, 2000

               Army pushes Jiang's party unity dictum

               WILLY WO-LAP LAM

               President Jiang Zemin is pushing ideological
               education in the face of rising
               pro-independence sentiments in Taiwan.

               To encourage national cohesion, the PLA is
               spearheading a campaign called "the three

               Official media yesterday quoted the PLA's
               Chief Political Commissar, General Yu
               Yongbo, as highlighting Mr Jiang's teachings
               on the fact that the Communist Party was "a
               true representative" of three things: advanced
               production forces, advanced culture and "the
               fundamental interests of the people".

               General Yu, a Jiang protege, said the campaign
               would be implemented in tandem with an
               earlier movement started by Mr Jiang to
               emphasise "righteousness, studying the Marxist
               canon and being politically correct".

               The senior commissar said the two ideological
               campaigns would be waged in all PLA units.

               General Yu also pointed out it was important
               to "boost the construction of grassroots party
               organisations", a reference to preventing party
               cells from succumbing to capitalist and other
               undesirable tendencies.

               He cited a recent Jiang dictum on the fact that
               "if the foundation [of the party] is not strong,
               the ground will tremble and the mountain will

               Meanwhile, the party's publicity department
               also held a seminar for regional leaders on the
               right attitude to take on the domestic and
               global situation.

               Department officials were quoted in official
               press yesterday as citing the need to convince
               the populace that "only socialism can develop
               China" and that "the renaissance of the
               Chinese race can only be accomplished under
               the Communist Party's leadership".

               A political source in Beijing said Mr Jiang was
               anxious to defuse the crisis of confidence in
               socialism and in the party's leadership, which
               might be exacerbated by the unexpected
               victory of the pro-independence Democratic
               Progressive Party (DPP) in presidential polls
               in Taiwan.

               The source said the party leadership also
               needed the people's support if it were to take
               "resolute action" against the administration of
               DPP stalwart Chen Shui-bian.

               Since Mr Chen's victory, the Jiang leadership
               has been criticised for its "weak" Taiwan

               In the past month, the party leadership has
               also tightened surveillance over dissidents and
               underground political organisations.

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