Billy Bragg and Woody Gunthrie 

NEW YORK - Recently at the New York City's Symphony Space, British Punk-rocker, now 
Woody Guthrie biographer, delivered a truly great solo performance. Singing songs, 
that he provided the music for from the previously unreleased Guthrie lyrics, Bragg 
told the powerful story of Woody's commitment to social justice and humanity. Each 
song carried personal notes that Guthrie wrote at the bottom of his lyrics. Bragg said 
that these notes made it easier for him to write the accompanying music. 

To make sure the audience understood the social justice message, Bragg urged the more 
than 1,000 in attendance to participate in the next day protest "Youth March for Life" 
that was sponsored by the United N.Y. Black Radical Congress. He read the flyer, "A 
Militant and Peaceful Protest of the Albany verdict in Memory of Amadou Diallo." He 
emphasized the demands: "civilian control of the police; fight racism; defeat 
Giuliani; education not incarceration; abolish street crimes unit." And, then he added 
emphatically for everyone to "Vote, Vote, Vote." 

Bragg was making this appearance to urge everyone to see the Woody Guthrie exhibit on 
the life and times of Woody Guthrie taking place at the Museum of the City of New 
York, Fifth Avenue and 103rd Street. 

During the performance which included as much discussion as singing, Bragg talked 
about Woody Guthrie's brush with Hollywood, California. He talked about how, "Will 
Geer, a member of the Communist Party, helped Woody during his time in Hollywood." He 
then added that, "Yes, Grampa Walton was a Communist." 

In a particularly moving part of the evening, Nora Guthrie joined Bragg on stage and 
helped him sing a couple of her father's songs. It was Nora Guthrie who chose Bragg to 
write the music to the newly found lyrics of her father. It was clearly a perfect 

The Guthrie exhibit has been organized by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling 
Exhibition Service and the Woody Guthrie Archives and in association with the 
Smithsonian's Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. The exhibit, "This Land is 
Your Land, The Life and Legacy of Woody Guthrie," runs through April 23. It is perfect 
place to take your whole family, the students in your classrooms, including public 
schools, college and training programs. Everyone! 

- Eric Green 

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