Livingstone aims Hitler attack at capitalists

By Robert Shrimsley, Chief Political Correspondent Telegraph

Ken Livingstone's efforts to project a business-friendly image were 
undermined yesterday when he said that international capitalists had killed 
more people than Hitler.

His latest attack on the forces of capitalism follows controversy 
surrounding earlier remarks [see below] where he expressed sympathy with the 
rioters who brought chaos to the World Trade Organisation negotiations in 
Seattle and the simultaneous anti-capitalist protests in the City. The 
front-runner to be mayor of London made his comments in a question and 
answer session with readers of New Musical Express.

Asked whether he still believed the bosses of the International Monetary 
Fund should "die painfully in their beds", Mr Livingstone replied: "The IMF 
and the World Bank are still appalling and now the World Trade Organisation, 
too. All over the world people die unnecessarily because of the 
international financial system."

Tuesday 18 January 2000

Livingstone backs City riots as his moderate mask slips

By Robert Shrimsley, Chief Political Correspondent

Ken Livingstone last night gave the lie to claims that he has shed his 
hard-Left image by siding with the anarchist rioters who brought chaos to 
the City of London last year.

After months of trying to foster a moderate image in his fight to be 
Labour's candidate for Mayor of London, Mr Livingstone made an extraordinary 
gaffe which harked back to his old "Red Ken" image in an interview with a 
style magazine. He said that he backed "direct action" as seen in the 
anti-capitalist riots in London and the protests during the World Trade 
Organisation conference in Seattle.

Mr Livingstone added that he would not invite the WTO to London "unless we 
can get vast stocks to put them in so that we can throw stuff at them in an 
organised way".

The former GLC leader, who has increasingly looked to be the Labour 
front-runner for mayor, made his comments in an interview with The Face. 
Asked how he would respond to a "June 18 or Battle of Seattle type demo", he 
said: "I have always been in favour of direct action. One of my fondest 
memories was chasing the inspector of the Archway Road inquiry out on to the 
roof at the Central Hall."

During six hours of rioting in the City, shops, offices and monuments were 
damaged by about 4,000 protesters who hijacked what was billed as a peaceful 
"carnival against capitalism". Four police officers were among the 46 people 

Elsewhere in the interview, Mr Livingstone described Lady Thatcher as "the 
scariest person I've ever met, adding: "I've met serial killers and 
professional assassins and nobody scared me as much as Mrs T."

Mr Livingstone's comments were immediately denounced by Frank Dobson, his 
rival for the Labour nomination, who said it showed that his moderate mask 
was slipping. He said: "These comments are quite disgraceful from anyone 
seeking to be Mayor of London with responsibility for the police. This 
interview shows why Ken Livingstone would be the wrong person to be mayor."

Mr Livingstone's remarks will also be seized upon by Tony Blair, who has 
said that he can work with the former GLC leader only if he has changed. A 
source close to the Prime Minister said last night that the comments "look 
like the kind of gesture politics that Tony Blair has set his face against".

Mr Livngstone was also criticised by Steve Norris, the former transport 
minister, who was selected yesterday as the Tory candidate for mayor, to 
replace Lord Archer, following a ballot of party members in London.

Mr Norris said: "Faced with a choice between violence and disorder and the 
interests of Londoners he has once again made the wrong choice."

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