The concluding paragraph from my paper "The Nature and Historical Paradoxes of 
Freedom: A comparative study on Marx/Engels and liberal/neoliberal writers in 
their relation to classical liberalism". It will come out this yeras in in book 
dedicated to Italian philosopher Professor Demico Losurdo.

"In conclusion: this comparative study showsthat today’s theory of liberty or 
freedom is Marxism. It is thisperspective of permanent of emancipation of 
humanity, which makes Marxism tothe theory of freedom today. To show why and 
how wecome to this conclusion, this essay isorganised around four main theses. 
First,by relying on Hayek and Marx it shows that freedom is one of those 
socialgoods, which does not admit a division in infinite parts like natural 
objectsfor example. It occurs, therefore, in all spheres of social life as a 
whole. Inother words, if one speaks of freedom of speech, for example, he/she 
means bythis that it is not just about the free expression of thought, but it 
is at thesame time a particular form of the expression of human freedom as 
such. Itclaims, secondly, liberal (andconservative) writers on liberty since 
mid of 19th century gave up graduallythis totalising view on freedom. Since 
then they explore merely a concept offreedom that is not more than a concept of 
negative liberty. This shows, it isfurther claimed, that the system of liberty 
which neoliberal writers putforward is in fact nothing but a concept of 
coercion and a system of privilegesfor dominating (propertied) classes. 
However, third, the totalising view on freedom and the dialectical approachto 
the relationship of positive and negative freedom was what classicalliberalism 
tried to establish. The fourthmain thesis of the paper consequently is that 
this totalising view on libertyis reformulated by Marx and Engels from working 
classes’ point of view in anentirely new light, in the sense that they 
reformulated the concept of freedomas human emancipation. Therefore, this is 
how we would like to conclude, itseems to be justified to conclude that if one 
takes the concept of freedom reallyseriously and wants to see it truly realised 
that really breaks with any formof hair splitting legal formalism he/she has to 
seek advice from Marx’s andEngels’ works."



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