On the Vincenty Browne To night show on TV3 (lat Monday night) in the course 
of a discussion on the Irish banking crisis right wing Constantin Gurdgiev 
claimed that the state Pension Fund set up in Irelanjd was not designed to 
provide pension funds for retired private and public workers. He said that 
it was designed to make good the pension deficit for the public worker and 
not for those on statutory state pensions.

Clearly once again Gurdgiev is making misleading claims. He argues that the 
state pension can be reduced right down to zero whereas the pensions of 
public workers cannot. In his tirade he forgot that public workers pensions 
have already been seriously reduced. This is a recorded fact that is 
undeniable. The point is that it would appear that the government can cut 
back radically on all pensions supplied by the state whether of the "public" 
or state kind. There is no essential difference between the two when it 
comes to state spending. Both public sector and state spending amount to the 
same thing   --state spending. Yet Constantin seeks to suggest that public 
sector pensions are public while statutory state pensions are not. The 
problem with Connstantin Gurgiev is that much of the time it is difficult to 
understand him because of his idiosyncratic speaking manner. This, among 
other things, helps him get away with gross inaccuracies while appearing to 
be very clever.

He really brought out how crass he can be on a VB To Night show in his 
disgusting and hysterical rant against Kieran Allen's recent book on 
Marxism. His vituperative and prejudiced attack indicated that the problem 
was not Allen's book but Gurgiev's right wing hatred of Marx.

A lot of workers think he is (as with Brian Lucey and David McWilliams) on 
the same side as they. His right wing political philosophy needs to be 
accurately highlighted for the benefit of the working class. 

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