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The boycott: To what end?
by Yacov Ben Efrat

Until 2008 the boycott against Israel, known also as the BDS movement (Boycott, 
Divestment and Sanctions), was a marginal phenomenon. It began on July 9, 2005 
when 171 Palestinian NGOs called for a boycott at an economic and cultural 
level. Over time, the initiative spread beyond the Occupied Territories to the 
wider world. But the Palestinian Authority (PA), which maintains diplomatic, 
security and economic ties with Israel, refused to express support (and refuses 
until now). The world’s governments likewise withheld support. Here and there, 
a famous singer or actor cancelled a gig in Israel, and demonstrations were 
held abroad when Israelis performed there, but these did not have an impact on 
public opinion in Israel, or on its government, which regularly accused the 
boycotters of anti-Semitism.

The reason for the boycott's marginality before 2008 was the extremist 
political message of some of the organizations involved, which called for a 
one-state solution from the Jordan River to the sea. Most boycotting 
organizations compared Israel to the South African Apartheid regime, against 
which boycott had been the obvious step. But Israel’s status in the world—the 
support it receives from the international community, the US above all, the 
fact that it has diplomatic relations with Egypt, Jordan and the PA, and the 
fact that its Arab citizens, despite rampant discrimination, enjoy the right to 
vote—rendered this political platform untenable, making it easier for its 
detractors to claim that its only aim is the destruction of Israel. Full 


Credit to Yacov Ben Efrat Challenge online

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