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For credit: Yacov Ben Efrat
No VAT, but plenty of racism
Posted on 17/05/2014 by Yacov Ben Efrat
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“We are not prepared to apologize for being Zionist,” Finance Minister Yair 
Lapid said to justify the blatant discrimination against Arabs in the new law 
which grants full VAT exemption to those buying a first home. Lapid’s 
declaration takes us back to 1975 when Israel’s UN representative, Yitzhak 
Herzog, standing on the General Assembly platform, ripped up the UN resolution 
equating Zionism with racism. In 1991, the UN rescinded the 1975 resolution, 
but Israel of 2014, led by the Netanyahu-Bennett-Lapid triumvirate, is again 
confirming that Zionism is indeed an ideology that discriminates on racial, 
religious and national grounds. According to Lapid, whoever serves in the army 
is a better and more worthy citizen. If we were to hear such a sentence from a 
holder of such a high office in any other country, from Eritrea to Germany 
(where Jews are exempt from military service), it wouldn’t take long for Lapid 
and others like him to conclude what kind of regime was in power there.
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