Well, well, well.  Middle Eastern terorists bombed American civilians as an act of 
retribution for earlier so-called American cruelty to several Middle Eastern 

But we must also remember the American terrorism inherent in the bombing of many more 
buildings and greater massacre that occurred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  

We must remember the French terrorists who bombed a ship (Rainbow Warrior) in Auckland 
NZ.  We must also remember all the terrorist attempts on the life of Fidel Castro 
(many).  There are many other examples.

At least in the WTC ruins, one lesson  emerges.  As with nuclear weapons, any debased 
political currency of any weapons of mass destruction invariably lead to what has been 
termed "MAD" - mutural assured destruction.  Once the West develops weapons of mass 
destruction, it must recognise that all and any contestants will eventually obtain 

As America unlaterally developed the nuclear threat, (to its great cost subsequently), 
America's unilateral sponsorship of injustice by other means into the Third World, has 
similarly been returned to America's great cost.  

The existance and deployment of nuclear weapons by America, UK and Israel, points to a 
likelihood that these countries will become targets of weapons of mass destruction in 
the future.  After all throughout history all arms have only led to more arms.  
American civilians were bombed because America has bombed civilians and asserts that 
it was right to do so.

Once we take an objective historical view, on scales properly balanced with the 
genocidal acts of terrorism by American regular and irregular forces, the WTC bombing 
(sans hysteria) is comparable to previous acts by capitalist, colonialist, and 
imperialist powers. For example, judged against Nagasaki, Hiroshima and the carpet 
bombing of Hamburg, the WTC was a relatively small event.  Its real import was what it 
implies could happen in the future, and once you re-examine all the political, 
economic and justice stresses imposed on the Third World by globalised capitalism, it 
is clear that wealthy OECD or G8 people have good cause to be very worried.

The only way out is to revamp world international political and economic relations and 
ensure that free trade can be regulated to guarantee the economic viability of all the 
world's economies, not just the wealth of the West.

You abolish terrorism by allowing the Third World the right to feed, educate, 
medicate, house and clothe its people.  If peoples do not have these rights they will 
turn to extremist ideologies which will invariably spawn terrorist splinters, which 
(combined with the rationality of Hiroshima and Hamburg) lead directly to the WTC 
bombing in other hands.  In a sense the West bombs itself.

As Marxists we must look at the underlying international political and economic 
realities.  The non-Marxist left is working itself into a lather over supposed racism 
they think led to Moslem retaliation.

Here there are real concerns.  Is it just coincidence that as capitalism goes into 
crisis we get a huge militaristic beat-up.  In a snall page 2 article in today's "The 
Australian" there is "a blunt warning" from Morgan Stanly that "the world is facing 
its worst recession since World War II".

I think this is a much bigger issue than terrorism.  Ever since WWII the world has 
been arranged to prop-up Western capitalism - but we are running out of new 
territories and populations to plunder.  Additional economic viability for capitalism 
can be obtained by selling goods on credit but the Western consumer has been loaded up 
with so much debt there is no great hope for more in the future.

Western unemployment has ratcheted-up continuously in all OECD ever since WWII.

So what can capitalists do now?  A huge bloody war of great national purpose, to 
obtain a better world and lebensraum, is one theme that always emerges at times like 

As Marx said, the final cause of all real crisis is the restricted power of workers to 
consume their own products (presumably at capitalist prices).

This is the reality that is driving world politics today and, to the extent that the 
West has damaged the Third World to prop-up capitalism, the real cause of the WTC 

So lets focus less on the WTC bombing and more on the developing real crisis of 
capitalism developing like quicksand beneath our feet.

Chris Warren






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