Call for papers:

The journal _Historical Materialism: research in critical Marxist
theory_ is aiming to publish a symposium on the theme of 'Marxism and
the Fantastic', and we are looking for papers interrogating this
topic in any fruitful way. We are open to consideration of 'the
fantastic' in psychological terms, but we are particularly interested
in discussions of the non-real, the fantastic in arts and literature.

Marxist theory has long engaged with modernist movements such as
surrealism. In addition, there is already a body of Marxist theory
engaging with science fiction, as exemplified in the work of Darko
Suvin, Fredric Jameson and Carl Freedman. However, there is as yet no
body of Marxist work which systematically engages with _the
fantastic_ more generally conceived, either perceiving science
fiction as a subset of the fantastic, or opposed to it. We would like
to make a start at filling that gap.

Possible topics for consideration include, but are not limited to,
the following.

Specific movements, including surrealism; 'magic realism'; fairy
tales; modern generic fantasy; ghost stories; et al.

The work of specific authors, such as Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, Delaney, et al.

Fantasy and film, including readings of specific works.

Psychological aspects of the fantastic, including 'the uncanny'.

Book reviews, of any relevant works (fiction or non-fiction).

Marxism and utopia/dystopia.

Pieces can be reviews or review essays (between 2,000 and 6,000
words), 'interventions' (pieces between 4,000 and 7,000 words, which
have some licence to be more polemical and exploratory), and essays
(between 6,000 and 10,000 words).

_Historical Materialism_ is an open and non-sectarian journal:
however, it is unapologetically Marxist. While we therefore welcome
work from any of the many traditions of Marxist theory, research
undertaken from (say) a left poststructuralist perspective would not
be suitable for our symposium.

The deadline for submissions to this symposium is regrettably soon -
mid-May, and sooner if possible.

If you would like any more information, or would like to submit any
work, please contact China Mieville on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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