*****   Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 22:45:20 -0500
From: Alan Wald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Death of Herbert Apthecker

Dear Friends,

Wanted to let you know that Herbert Aptheker passed away this 
morning, surrounded by family and friends; he would have celebrated 
his 88th birthday this summer.

Herbert's health had been fragile for some time--especially for the 
last couple of years--and he'd been in and out of the hospital a 
number of times since last August, with a series of incidents (from 
falls, to a minor heart attack and, more recently, some minor 
strokes).  Last week, as he seemed again to weaken dramatically, 
Herbert and the family decided to forego any further medical 
interventions, and to focus on making Herbert as comfortable as 

He was at many points remarkably lucid these last few days, 
periodically speaking of--and with pleasure listening to conversation 
about--some of the matters closest to his heart, including 
African-American history, politics, and culture; hopes and chances 
for peace; and Major League Baseball.

When plans are made for a memorial service in the Bay Area, I'll 
forward that information to you.




Alan Wald, Director, Program in American Culture, University of Michigan.
Mailing address: 3700 Haven Hall, Ann Arbor, Mi.  48109-1045.
Office address: Room 3703 Haven Hall.
Office phone: 734-763-1460.
Home phone: 734-995-1499.
Faxes can be received at AC office: 734-936-1967   *****

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