Marxism and Film

There is a long and distinguished tradition of Marxist writing on film, from theorist-practitioners like Sergei Eisenstein and Dziga Vertov and critics like Harry Potamkin onwards. Marxist thought was instrumental in the birth of Film Studies as a discipline, and despite the subsequent twists and turnsâlinguistic, psychoanalytic, postmodernist, post-theoryâit continues and sustains, albeit often in the nooks and crannies.

Historical Materialism is keen to nurture and revitalise Marxist film theory and criticism. We have already published
ï John Roberts, âSaving Private Ryan, Realism and the Enigma of Head Woundsâ
ï Mike Wayne, âA Violent Peace: Robert GuÃdiguianâs La Ville est tranquilleâ
ï Anna Kornbluh, âOn the Love of Moneyâ (on Brett Ratnerâs The Family Man)
ï Alex Law and Jan Law, âMagical Urbanism: Walter Benjamin and Utopian Realism in the Film Ratcatcherâ
ï Mike Wayne, âUtopianism and Filmâ (on Bill Forsythâs Local Hero)
We now wish to expand the range and variety of material on film and other media in our pages. We are looking for review-essays (3,000+ words) and articles (7,000+words)âon particular movies as well as more theoretical mattersâplus potential reviewers of books of film..

Editorial correspondence, suggestions for papers, queries and calls for advice should go to Mark Bould at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Marxism and Sexuality: The Sensuous in Political and Material Contexts

â.the Marxist tradition has no more influence on the modern lesbian and gay movement than it deserves. Gay Marxists who are encouraged by their straight comrades and leaders to shun the very real gains won since the GLF by an autonomous lesbian and gay movement are being seduced into an essentially heterosexist project where gay issues are sidelined. Edge S (1995) With Friends Like These: Marxism and Gay Politics London: Cassell p 3-4.

Not all discourse on the relationship between Marxism and sexuality and sexual politics is as damning, but the paucity and marginalised contribution of Marxist theory and politics to the theory and politics of sexuality is striking. The study of sex and sexuality has been colonised by post-structuralist, micro-sociologist, non-Marxist feminist, psychoanalytical and empiricist traditions. Historical Materialism seeks to redress the balance in proposing to publish a special edition devoted to the theme of 'Marxism and Sexuality: The Sensuous in Political and Material Contexts' in late 2005.

Papers are sought in the following areas:
 The contribution of Marxism to the theorising or politics of sexuality (for example, the work of Bernstein, Kollontai, Reich, Guerin, Marcuse)
 The materialist critical analysis of sexual identities, orientations, relations, acts and practices â from lesbian and gay identities and cultures to Bondage, Domination and Sado-Masochism, Paedophilia and other forms of sexual identity, culture or practice.
 The materialist critical analysis of the politics of sexuality â lesbian, gay, heterosexual, bisexual, transgendered politics, movements and issues in law and policy.
 Marxism in the politics of sexuality around the globe
 Critical Marxist engagements with the theorising of sexuality within post-structuralism, micro-sociology, feminisms, psychoanalysis and empiricism
 Other papers which focus on features of Marxist analyses of sexuality and sexual politics.

Editorial correspondence, suggestions for papers and calls for advice should go to Paul Reynolds â [EMAIL PROTECTED] The project is already at the commissioning stage so early expressions of interest in contributing would be very welcome.

SÃbastien BUDGEN
chez FranÃois FAVRAT
1, avenue Richerand
PARIS 75010

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