Said web site is very depressing. Aside from the personal biography, the site seems to be a mixture of Afrocentrism and extreme left sectarianism. Some of it is literate, and some of it is stupid. The article by tow other folks labeling Michael Moore as a white nationalist is enough to condemn the whole web site. If I want to be subjected to this stupid shit, I might as well sit back and listen to Pacifica radio.

At 09:01 PM 8/1/2004 -0400, Jim Farmelant wrote:
Well Lil Joe had originally sent that piece directly to this
list but for various reasons it bounced to me as moderator
so I then forwarded it to the list. (BTW I found this political
biography of Lil Joe at

Well over at Uncle Lou's Marxmail list, there has been some
discussion of Sudan, starting with the following piece
that was posted by Uncle Lou, himself.

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