This Essay doesn't need an Introduction; or, rather, an introduction can be
stated in a single word: Powerful!

Lil Joe

The ABCs of Class Struggle
By Aduku Addae

Scientific Socialism is now just two dirty words. One dare not mention these
words in polite circles. And, that is a grave pity, for, the organizations
of the working class are in disarray and the struggle for social equity has
stagnated because workers have foolishly abandoned five centuries of working
peoples' history. Discarded along with this history are a unique
anti-philosophy, a system of critical thought, a methodology of struggle,
and the tools for analyzing the contemporary social drama.  Assuredly, the
worker's instinct will direct him/her to the rediscovery of Scientific
Socialism.  Working people have been so directed at other times in history.
I am, however, impatient of the laborers' natural inclination to return to
studying history and shaping human destiny through self-conscious action.
So, at the risk of being impolite, perhaps to the extent of being unpopular,
I would like to initiate a discussion about Scientific Socialism and the
working class struggle in the age of "global" Capitalism.  I am not
proposing here to revive some tedious debate over  "Marxist" minutiae. I am
talking about getting back to basics.

Soviet tactical exigencies gave birth to a miserable doctrine that posited
the nationalist struggle as essentially anti-capitalist and a necessary
antecedent to the working class revolution. This doctrine which held
currency for the better part of a century showed itself to be hopelessly and
definitively bankrupt in and through the implosion and fragmentation of the
Soviet Union into nation states within the borders of which the worst robber
baron capitalism has taken root. This, to say the least, is the essence of
irony, for, it is towards the preservation of this Stalinist monstrosity
(the Soviet Union), perceived by millions as the Mecca of socialism, that
the doctrine was aimed.  But of course people get what they work for, and
the socialists of the world worked for world capitalism, from 1917 to 1991
under the cold direction of pragmatic Russian politicians.

One would expect that the demise of the Soviet experiment would have
signaled the beginning of a critical assessment of the history of the Fourth
International with a view to laying a foundation for formulating a practical
program of struggle for the fifth international under 21st century
conditions.  It seems, however, that the Reagan-Gorbachev onslaught not only
destroyed the crumbling edifice of the Russian Gulag, under which the
working people of Eastern Europe stood, but it sapped the intellectual
energy and destroyed the imagination of the socialists worldwide. The
silencing of the working class and the decade-old replacement of informed
socialist discourse with the half-wit sound bites of liberalism in the
world-sociopolitical debate is a natural consequence of generations of
adherence to the "political line" which preached the gospel of  "United
Democratic Fronts" against "Imperialism." This doctrine, as we have seen in
practice, is capitalist ideology in essence, all nationalist struggles being
ultimately directed at fortifying the capitalist order of society.   It has
yielded the most repressive and corrupt regimes in Angola, The Congo, Sudan,
Egypt, Ethiopia, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Somalia - - the list
goes on ad infinitum.

The most notable effect of this doctrine is that it sapped the energy of the
working class in imaginary battles against a so-called imperialistic enemy.
These were battles, however, which were in reality against the working class

This misguided doctrine of "anti-imperialist struggle" is at the foundation
of historic errors made by the socialist worldwide.  In Jamaica, for
example, the workers movement with its strong grass-roots (genuinely
proletarian) trade unionist structure was delivered over to the
quasi-nationalist-brown-man-parties of Norman W. Manley and Alexander
Bustamante. The genuine working class leaders such as G. S. Coombs were
consigned to oblivion and a life of hardship and destitution. Socialist
intellectuals Richard Hart and the Hill brothers were later expelled from
the People's National Party (circa 1951). Thus the workers' unions came to
be placed at the beck and call of generations of 'gangster' politicians in
the fractious parliamentary politics which essentially reinforced and
preserved the capitalist order of things. (That this took place at a time
when the workers were in a superb position to gain ascendancy is, of course,
unbelievable). The same thing happened in Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and
the rest of the Caribbean region.  Ultimately this gave rise to the
tragicomedy that was unveiled in little Grenada and which ultimately led to
an invasion by US forces in October of 1983 under the pretext of 'saving' a
group of American medical students who were never in any danger.

Lenin's formulation that "Imperialism" was the highest stage of capitalism
is of course what started the trouble. This misperception emanated as much
from Lenin's myopic preoccupation with Czarist Russia as from his long
exilic isolation from the Russian working class and the broader struggle in
Europe.  (The European struggle of itself was an experience in isolation.
The European working class having lost the universal perspective of the
French revolutionaries, and imbibing all the bad habits of its racist
imperialists masters, overlooked the history and experience of the most
durable example of successful struggle against 'global' capitalism
manifested in the Haitian revolution).   The record should long have been
set straight on this score. So, I am going to ask the old doctrinaire
socialist and the new anti-imperialists, especially the Pan-Africanists
among them, to repeat after me thus: Capitalism is the bane of both
Feudalism and Imperialism. Capitalism used Imperialism for 500 years and
then discarded it. (The emergence of the USA as a world power after World
War II, in place of Imperialistic Britain, France, Japan, Italy, and
Germany, is a good indication of this. And now the imminent decline of the
USA - as it yields to the final imperialistic and reactionary impulses of
Britain, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and the Confederate South - is even this
moment in the making.)  Capitalism is the highest stage of Capitalism - no
less, no more.

The most enlightening thing that can be said about Capitalism is that it
concentrates property in the hands of a few individuals - Capital runs to
monopoly Capital - on a worldwide scale. Practical experience has shown that
capital accumulation produces a global capitalist class united in its
purpose, disdainful of national borders and its attendant politics, and
scornful of the vestiges of nobility and religious convictions. (Thus as the
world watches we are witnessing the death of the UN an organization rendered
anachronistic by capital's development). The very embodiment of alienated
labor, capitalists are not connected to the rest of society by filial,
religious, tribal, cultural, or, as it turns out shockingly, legal bonds.
The substantial nexus is profit. One could say, in Lenin's reckless manner,
that the highest stage of Capitalism is Monopoly Capitalism on a global
scale - Globalism.  (This, however, is not a particularly useful point of
view since it is, in essence, 'historical reductionism,' which opens up to a
repeat of Lenin's error).  In this state, globalism, capital stands over
against human society as a morbid and alien force threatening the very
existence of the planet.  It becomes the enemy of humanity.

Marx, by the way, had already delineated the course of Capital's
development, identifying its monopolistic (globalistic) nature long before
Lenin began to labor under his fateful misconceptions.

Lenin's error cost the workers' movement eight decades in the last century
and is threatening to cost another two, or, three decades, in this the 21st
century, if the movement does not unlearn these deeply entrenched Leninist
teachings.  Working people have been misled by this Bolshevism (a
characteristic Russian misnomer) into abandoning the class struggle in the
interest of the illusion of  "democratic fronts" with petty capitalists
throughout the world.  (One of course can see why Lenin would advocate such
a rapprochement with the most reprobate element in society. His perception
is clearly regressive but from the confines of feudalistic Russia, the petit
Bourgeoisie was a progressive class.  Lenin himself, as a member of the
so-called "Intelligentsia," was a member of the petit Bourgeoisie).  The
workers' movement must reawaken and urgently reassign itself a particular
class agendum consistent with its interest.

Throughout the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Central and
South America, the working people were induced by 'socialist' wise men to
render the working class agenda ancillary to that of varied groups of small
time nationalists. The consequence of this is that while the capitalists are
organized and united under the aegis of their new capitalists' union -
global capitalism - working people are unorganized, dis-united, and
fragmented into clans supporting dysfunctional national groups of
capitalist. (American workers are slaughtering Iraqi workers (men, women and
children) in the interest of Bechtel, Halliburton, and the myriad oil
companies, i.e., in the interest of the American Nation).

Workers have the additional burden, aside from their 'patriotic' duty to
kill each other as citizens of nations, of supporting some of the most
odious characters as leaders based on racial (skin color) affinity in the
throes of a sisyphean racial struggle. While workers are distracted in this
manner the black leaders have closed ranks with their white counterparts in
oppressing workers on the worldwide scale.

We can break this down into more particular terms by selecting a few

In Jamaica the "black man government" of the P. J. Patterson and the Peoples
National Party has maintained a program of austerity under the direction of
the IMF and the World Bank. This program of austerity has produced the worst
consequences for the welfare of the population of black working people.
These consequences include: 65% unemployment (this being an unofficial,
realistic, estimate put forward by sober Jamaican commentators); repeated
draconian cuts in social services; and continually shrinking education and
public health budgets in a society that has never, ever, adequately provided
for these things. Meanwhile Dr. Omar Davies, minister of finance, the guru
of Jamaican 'trickonomics,' uses public money to buy out failed private
ventures, in essence taking from the poor to give to the rich.

In South Africa the ANC and the emergent black elite have joined the assault
against the black workers at the bidding of the local Boers of apartheid
infamy and the global capitalist (concealed under the veil of the IMF and
World Bank). The black government of South Africa has, over a decade of its
rule, continued to dispossess an already excruciatingly brutalized and
exploited people to an unprecedented degree in the service of global
capitalism. And, yet, the black working people align themselves with these
black leaders in a fictive struggle against the "white supremacist."

In the USA black workers lend unconditional support to black pimps who keep
them chasing the boogie man of "racism" while these so-called leaders
ingratiate themselves with the practicing racist in Washington, and on Wall
Street, betraying the interest of their black 'constituents' for the
proverbial 30 pieces of silver.  In the meantime US workers view each other
as enemies across "black" and "white" barricades.

The plot repeats itself in nations across the world.

As capital develops in its global dimensions and the "bottom line" asserts
itself  "white labor" is becoming as dispensable as "black labor."  Perhaps
even the unthinkable is emerging as truth: Colored labor, being cheaper, and
every bit as skilled, and therefore more in harmony with the profit motive,
is becoming more desirable than white labor. So, "white collar jobs" are
reported by the media to be leaving (white) America for countries with very
large "colored" populations.  Now, who would have 'thunk' it!

The lesson here, banal as it is, is that capital does not give a hoot about
race except to the extent that it keeps the working class divided.

Working people have a duty to reassert the primacy of the working class
struggle over all others. The working class has no allies among the
capitalist of any country irrespective of what their race, or, religion
might be.  The battle lines may not be clearly demarcated in this era of
sound bites and systematic dis-information about "national security,"
"democratic values," and "war on terrorism" but there is no question that
the real struggle is between capital and labor. Whatever the diversionary
route taken society shall finally come face to face with this reality. That
is the bottom line. It is time to return to basics.

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