Detroit: Water Held Hostage 

By Maureen Taylor

Editor's note: Maureen Taylor, at right, chairperson of the Michigan Welfare 
Rights Organization, made the speech below at the "Water for People Not for 
Profit" workshop at the 2004 World Social Forum in Boston. Maureen discusses 
Michigan's struggle against the privatization of water. She is available to 
through Speakers for a New America. Call 800-691-6888 or email 

Production is what fuels society. It has always been that way. From the 
cotton gin, to the steam engines, electric engines, gas engines, gas 
every kind of technology has moved society ahead. Society organizes around 
technology's ability to feed, house, clothe, provide healthcare, to provide the 
things that people need. Things changed in the early 1970s with the computer 
chip. The chip replaced labor. We got laid off because there was technology 
could do our job. The paradigm says, "You work, you get a check, you buy, you 
consume, when your money is gone you go to work again." That's the cycle. Now 
you're laid off. You will get upset and not take this madness lying down. So 
they create an entire propaganda to say that there is something wrong with you. 
You lost your opportunity because of something you did. Then, we say, hey "Liz 
lost her job. Oh. I heard she was drinking. Oh, that's why she lost her job." 
So, we don't say anything when we clearly know there's a problem.

This is why poor people are so passive. Everything and anything can happen to 
us. We know it is wrong, but we're the last voice to talk about it. Rather 
than complain and organize, fight and resist, we take a second job or a third. 
We allow our water to be cut off. We get tubes and hoses and run them from my 
neighbor's house to my house. We do anything rather than say, "Damn it, I'm one 
of God's children. I'm not giving into this mess. We're going to have water 
for everybody, or nobody will have water. But, whether it is the Patriot Act, 
the Sixth Fleet, or police brutality - all kinds of things are put out to 
convince us that the easiest thing to do is to suffer.

In Detroit, between June 1 of 2001 and June 1 . . .


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