I'll be interested in seeing what Soviet philosophical literature you have. I have tons of it myself, more in book than in journal form, though I probably have articles buried somewhere too. I know someone who wants to support a project to scan it all, but I don't know anyone who has the time for that. It takes a whole lot of time just for me to do one article or book chapter.

I am ready to pass out right now, but I should also mention the need to list important secondary works. There are some terrific books out there, from the insanely expensive to the insanely discounted, interestingly, published in the post-Soviet era.

BTW, I'm usually a qualified defender of Engels; i.e. I defend his basic project, if not the specific execution of same.

I also forgot to mention that the technical literature on emergence focuses on two issues known as supervenience and downward causation.

BTW, did Whitehead have any kind of social theory?

At 02:35 PM 2/25/2005 -0500, Charles Brown wrote:

Ralph Dumain:

There's a treasure trove buried inside mountains of crap,

^^^^ CB: No doubt true. Maybe we can even use some of the crap as fertilizer for fruitful endeavor :>), and then treasures of yore are surrounded by earthly dirt.

Thanks for all these direct texts , Ralph ! I will be reading your list of

I actually have a fair number of hardcopy books and articles of Soviet philo
and philo of science, and they are not in computer texts. I'll gather some
to post.

I actually did come across  Jean Van Heijenoort's critique of Engels, and
arrogant non-pro mathematician that I am , I had a response to Van
Heijenoort. I can't remember it right off, but I'll reread Van Heijenoort
and see if I can remember what I thought of.



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