Don't forget the extensive discussion of materialism in THE HOLY FAMILY.

Of course, what distinguishes home sapiens from the other monkeys is not "labor" as an abstraction, but the brain difference, which means the genetic capacity for language and hence cultural transmission of information, plus the other distinguishing features such as upright gait, opposable thumbs. Your point about "imagination" signals Marx's recognition of the cognitive difference.

At 10:12 AM 6/6/2005 -0400, Charles Brown wrote:
RE Lil Joe joe_radical

Lil Joe: Here, Charles, I think we have a major disagreement as far as
Marxian materialism is concerned. Marx never wrote of 'materialism' and
'idealism' as a discussion outside the context of the materialist conception
of history.

CB: He discusses materialism in "The Theses on Feuerbach".  Engels discusses
materialism beyond the materialist conception of history. See especially
_The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State_ for this

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