At 12:00 PM 7/5/2005 +0200, Oudeyis wrote: "Steve, I really do not have enough time to devote to answering this message as it deserves. So please excuse the briefness of my responses."

No problem at all. I am happy to let that response be the last major word on this discussion for now, which we can certainly return to when time permits.

As for the final question asked, "What say you comrade?" I say, thank you for the stimulating discussion, we'll get back to these important and stimulating topics as time goes on.

Below are some passages that stand out for me as excellent thinking and research points for me to work with.

Victor suggests, asks, points out:

*  that I am "... arguing that all reflective thought is ideal ..."

* "So what do you call reality? Ilyenkov is quite clear as to what he calls reality ..."

* "What is virgin materiality? If by virgin materiality you mean that part of nature men have yet to have contacted ..."

* Sorry, but I'm afraid your argument that thought as a function of practice and thought as received social wisdom are both ideal are not acceptable to me or to Ilyenkov."

* "Your views that all reflective thought is ideal is much more consistent with the views of Lukacs, Adorno, Marcuse and Horkheimer and more recently of Habermas than with Ilyenkov ..."

* "... you've determined that all human consciousness is ideal ..."

* "Wow! I wrote the previous paragraph before reading this one ..."

* " ... you are confirming my description of your argument as more consistent with Critical Theory than with EVI's Marxist-Leninism."

* "The identification of scientific theory as an integral part of the ideal is an invention of Lukacs that was expanded by his Critical Theorist epigones."

* "At no point does Ilyenkov describe scientific work as ideal."

* "What say you comrade?"  Oudeyis

I say: thanks again,
- Steve

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