I'm wondering if the cold war actually transformed anything. And is
there really much more to say on the topic after Lakatos, Feyerabend,
but also the post-structuralists?

More interesting to me has always been LP-related but not pure LP. For
example, Wittgenstein's foray into the philosophy of psychology. One
totally underestimated philosopher of science was the non-LP Jean
Piaget, a Swiss who wrote in French. Piaget was quite interested in a
unity of sciences and even wrote a monograph about it (which we never
studied in university philosophy of science class back in the early
80s, but whose main name, Kuhn, later acknowledged a debt to Piaget).

Interestingly enough a quick search of the Marx-related web yielded a
typical Piaget piece about the LPs! I might add, cognitive science
could sure use a review of the likes of Wittgenstein, Piaget, and
Vygotsky. Here is just an excerpt that focuses on the LPs--the part
about Chomsky is QUITE good. I really like the end sentence of the
excerpt, so much I'll quote it here too, for those who aren't going to
read what follows or surf to the site:

>>I do not intend to go into biology; I just want to carry this
regressive analysis back to its beginnings in psychology and to
emphasise again that the formation of logical and mathematical
structures in human thinking cannot be explained by language alone,
but has its roots in the general coordination of actions.>>

THIS is as good as any place I've ever seen for articulatory
phonology, one of my research interests, to start.

Univ. of Fukui, Japan


My first example concerns the school of logical positivism. Logical
positivists have never taken psychology into account in their
epistemology, but they affirm that logical beings and mathematical
beings are nothing but linguistic structures. That is, when we are
doing logic or mathematics, we are simply using general syntax,
general semantics, or general pragmatics in the sense of Morris, being
in this case a rule of the uses of language in general. The position
in general is that logical and mathematical reality is derived from
language. Logic and mathematics are nothing but specialised linguistic
structures. Now here it becomes pertinent to examine factual findings.
We can look to see whether there is any logical behaviour in children
before language develops. We can look to see whether the coordinations
of their actions reveal a logic of classes, reveal an ordered system,
reveal correspondence structures. If indeed we find logical structures
in the coordinations of actions in small children even before the
development of language, we are not in a position to say that these
logical structures are derived from language. This is a question of
fact and should be approached not by speculation but by an
experimental methodology with its objective findings.

The first principle of genetic epistemology, then, is this - to take
psychology seriously. Taking psychology seriously means that, when a
question of psychological fact arises, psychological research should
be consulted instead of trying to invent a solution through private

It is worthwhile pointing out, by the way, that in the field of
linguistics itself, since the golden days of logical positivism, the
theoretical position has been reversed. Bloomfield in his time adhered
completely to the view of the logical positivists, to this linguistic
view of logic. But currently, as you know, Chomsky maintains the
opposite position. Chomsky asserts, not that logic is based on and
derived from language, but, on the contrary, that language is based on
logic, on reason, and he even considers this reason to be innate. He
is perhaps going too far in maintaining that it is innate; this is
once again a question to be decided by referring to facts, to
research. It is another problem for the field of psychology to
determine. Between the rationalism that Chomsky is defending nowadays
(according to which language is based on reason, which is thought to
be innate in man) and the linguistic view of the positivists
(according to which logic is simply a linguistic convention), there is
a whole selection of possible solutions, and the choice among these
solutions must be made on the basis of fact, that is, on the basis of
psychological research. The problems cannot be resolved by

I do not want to give the impression that genetic epistemology is
based exclusively on psychology. On the contrary, logical
formalisation is absolutely essential every time that we can carry out
some formalisation; every time that we come upon some completed
structure in the course of the development of thought, we make an
effort, with the collaboration of logicians or of specialists within
the field that we are considering, to formalise this structure. Our
hypothesis is that there will be a correspondence between the
psychological formation on the one hand, and the formalisation on the
other hand. But although we recognise the importance of formalisation
in epistemology, we also realize that formalisation cannot be
sufficient by itself. We have been attempting to point out areas in
which psychological experimentation is indispensable to shed light on
certain epistemological problems, but even on its own grounds there
are a number of reasons why formalisation can never be sufficient by
itself. I should like to discuss three of these reasons.

The first reason is that there are many different logics, and not just
a single logic. This means that no single logic is strong enough to
support the total construction of human knowledge. But it also means
that, when all the different logics are taken together, they are not
sufficiently coherent with one another to serve as the foundation for
human knowledge. Any one logic, then, is too weak, but all the logics
taken together are too rich to enable logic to form a single value
basis for knowledge. That is the first reason why formalisation alone
is not sufficient.

The second reason is found in Godel's theorem. It is the fact that
there are limits to formalisation. Any consistent system sufficiently
rich to contain elementary arithmetic cannot prove its own
consistency. So the following questions arise: logic is a
formalisation, an axiomatisation of something, but of what exactly?
What does logic formalise? This is a considerable problem. There are
even two problems here. Any axiomatic system contains the
undemonstrable propositions or the axioms, at the outset, from which
the other propositions can be demonstrated, and also the undefinable,
fundamental notions on the basis of which the other notions can be
defined. Now in the case of logic what lies underneath the
undemonstrable axioms and the undefinable notions? This is the problem
of structuralism in logic, and it is a problem that shows the
inadequacy of formalisation as the fundamental basis. It shows the
necessity for considering thought itself as well as considering
axiomatised logical systems, since it is from human thought that the
logical systems develop and remain still intuitive.

The third reason why formalisation is not enough is that epistemology
sets out to explain knowledge as it actually is within the areas of
science, and this knowledge is, in fact not purely formal: there are
other aspects to it. In this context I should like to quote a logician
friend of mine, the late Evert W. Beth. For a very long time he was a
strong adversary of psychology in general and the introduction of
psychological observations into the field of epistemology, and by that
token an adversary of my own work, since my work was based on
psychology. Nonetheless, in the interests of an intellectual
confrontation, Beth did us the honour of coming to one of our symposia
on genetic epistemology and looking more closely at the questions that
were concerning us. At the end of the symposium he agreed to co-author
with me, in spite of his fear of psychologists, a work that we called
Mathematical and Psychological Epistemology. This has appeared in
French and is being translated into English. In his conclusion to this
volume, Beth wrote as follows: "The problem of epistemology is to
explain how real human thought is capable of producing scientific
knowledge. In order to do that we must establish a certain
coordination between logic and psychology." This declaration does not
suggest that psychology ought to interfere directly in logic - that is
of course not true - but it does maintain that in epistemology both
logic and psychology should be taken into account, since it is
important to deal with both the formal aspects and the empirical
aspects of human knowledge.

So, in sum, genetic epistemology deals with both the formation and the
meaning of knowledge. We can formulate our problem in the following
terms: by what means does the human mind go from a state of less
sufficient knowledge to a state of higher knowledge? The decision of
what is lower or less adequate knowledge, and what is higher
knowledge, has of course formal and normative aspects. It is not up to
psychologists to determine whether or not a certain state of knowledge
is superior to another state. That decision is one for logicians or
for specialists within a given realm of science. For instance, in the
area of physics, it is up to physicists to decide whether or not a
given theory shows some progress over another theory. Our problem,
from the point of view of psychology and from the point of view of
genetic epistemology, is to explain how the transition is made from a
lower level of knowledge to a level that is judged to be higher. The
nature of these transitions is a factual question. The transitions are
historical or psychological or sometimes even biological, as I shall
attempt to show later.

The fundamental hypothesis of genetic epistemology is that there is a
parallelism between the progress made in the logical and rational
organisation of knowledge and the corresponding formative
psychological processes. Well, now, if that is our hypothesis, what
will be our field of study? Of course the most fruitful, most obvious
field of study would be reconstituting human history - the history of
human thinking in prehistoric man. Unfortunately, we are not very well
informed about the psychology of Neanderthal man or about the
psychology of Homo siniensis of Teilhard de Chardin. Since this field
of biogenesis is not available to us, we shall do as biologists do and
turn to ontogenesis. Nothing could be more accessible to study than
the ontogenesis of these notions. There are children all around us. It
is with children that we have the best chance of studying the
development of logical knowledge, mathematical knowledge, physical
knowledge, and so forth. These are the things that I shall discuss
later in the book.

So much for the introduction to this field of study. I should like now
to turn to some specifics and to start with the development of logical
structures in children. I shall begin by making a distinction between
two aspects of thinking that are different, although complementary.
One is the figurative aspect, and the other I call the operative
aspect. The figurative aspect is an imitation of states taken as
momentary and static. In the cognitive area the figurative functions
are, above all, perception, imitation, and mental imagery, which is in
fact interiorised imitation. The operative aspect of thought deals not
with states but with transformations from one state to another. For
instance, it includes actions themselves, which transform objects or
states, and it also includes the intellectual operations, Which are
essentially systems of transformation. They are actions that are
comparable to other actions but are reversible, that is, they can be
carried out in both directions (this means that the results of action
A can be eliminated by another action B, its inverse: the product of A
with B leading to the identity operation, leaving the state unchanged)
and are capable of being interiorised; they can be carried out through
representation and not through actually being acted out. Now, the
figurative aspects are always subordinated to the operative aspects.
Any state can be understood only as the result of certain
transformations or as the point of departure for other
transformations. In other words, to my way of thinking the essential
aspect of thought is its operative and not its figurative aspect.

To express the same idea in still another way, I think that human
knowledge is essentially active. To know is to assimilate reality into
systems of transformations. To know is to transform reality in order
to understand how a certain state is brought about. By virtue of this
point of view, I find myself opposed to the view of knowledge as a
copy, a passive copy, of reality. In point of fact, this notion is
based on a vicious circle: in order to make a copy we have to know the
model that we are copying, but according to this theory of knowledge
the only way to know the model is by copying it, until we are caught
in a circle, unable ever to know whether our copy of the model is like
the model or not. To my way of thinking, knowing an object does not
mean copying it - it means acting upon it. It means constructing
systems of transformations that can be carried out on or with this
object. Knowing reality means constructing systems of transformations
that correspond, more or less adequately, to reality. They are more or
less isomorphic to transformations of reality. The transformational
structures of which knowledge consists are not copies of the
transformations in reality; they are simply possible isomorphic models
among which experience can enable us to choose. Knowledge, then, is a
system of transformations that become progressively adequate.

It is agreed that logical and mathematical structures are abstract,
whereas physical knowledge - the knowledge based on experience in
general - is concrete. But let us ask what logical and mathematical
knowledge is abstracted from. There are two possibilities. The first
is that, when we act upon an object, our knowledge is derived from the
object itself. This is the point of view of empiricism in general, and
it is valid in the case of experimental or empirical knowledge for the
most part. But there is a second possibility: when we are acting upon
an object, we can also take into account the action itself, or
operation if you will, since the transformation can be carried out
mentally. In this hypothesis the abstraction is drawn not from the
object that is acted upon, but from the action itself. It seems to me
that this is the basis of logical and mathematical abstraction.

In cases involving the physical world the abstraction is abstraction
from the objects themselves. A child, for instance, can heft objects
in his hands and realize that they have different weights - that
usually big things weigh more than little ones, but that sometimes
little things weigh more than big ones. All this he finds out
experientially, and his knowledge is abstracted from the objects
themselves. But I should like to give an example, just as primitive as
that one, in which knowledge is abstracted from actions, from the
coordination of actions, and not from objects. This example, one we
have studied quite thoroughly with many children, was first suggested
to me by a mathematician friend who quoted it as the point of
departure of his interest in mathematics. When he was a small child,
he was counting pebbles one day; he lined them up in a row, counted
them from left to right, and got ten. Then, just for fun, he counted
them from right to left to see what number he would get, and was
astonished that he got ten again. He put the pebbles in a circle and
counted them, and once again there were ten. He went around the circle
in the other way and got ten again. And no matter how he put the
pebbles down, when he counted them, the number came to ten. He
discovered here what is known in mathematics as commutativity, that
is, the sum is independent of the order. But how did he discover this?
Is this commutativity a property of the pebbles? It is true that the
pebbles, as it were, let him arrange them in various ways; he could
not have done the same thing with drops of water. So in this sense
there was a physical aspect to his knowledge. But the order was not in
the pebbles; it was he, the subject, who put the pebbles in a line and
then in a circle. Moreover, the sum was not in the pebbles themselves;
it was he who united them. The knowledge that this future
mathematician discovered that day was drawn, then, not from the
physical properties of the pebbles, but from the actions that he
carried out on the pebbles. This knowledge is what I call logical
mathematical knowledge and not physical knowledge.

The first type of abstraction from objects I shall refer to as simple
abstraction, but the second type I shall call reflective abstraction,
using this term in a double sense. "Reflective" here has at least two
meanings in the psychological field, in addition to the one it has in
physics. In its physical sense reflection refers to such a phenomenon
as the reflection of a beam of light off one surface onto another
surface. In a first psychological sense abstraction is the
transposition from one hierarchical level to another level (for
instance, from the level of action to the level of operation). In a
second psychological sense reflection refers to the mental process of
reflection, that is, at the level of thought a reorganisation takes

I should like now to make a distinction between two types of actions.
On the one hand, there are individual actions such as throwing,
pushing, touching, rubbing. It is these individual actions that give
rise most of the time to abstraction from objects. This is the simple
type of abstraction that I mentioned above. Reflective abstraction,
however, is based not on individual actions but on coordinated
actions. Actions can be coordinated in a number of different ways.
They can be joined together, for instance; we can call this an
additive coordination. Or they can succeed each other in a temporal
order; we can call this an ordinal or a sequential coordination. There
is a before and an after, for instance, in organising actions to
attain a goal when certain actions are essential as means to
attainment for this goal. Another type of coordination among actions
is setting up a correspondence between one action and another. A
fourth form is the establishment of intersections among actions. Now
all these forms of coordinations have parallels in logical structures,
and it is such coordination at the level of action that seems to me to
be the basis of logical structures as they develop later in thought.
This, in fact, is our hypothesis: that the roots of logical thought
are not to be found in language alone, even though language
coordinations are important, but are to be found more generally in the
coordination of actions, which are the basis of reflective
abstraction. For the sake of completeness, we might add that naturally
the distinction between individual actions and coordinated ones is
only a gradual and not a sharply discontinuous one. Even pushing,
touching, or rubbing has a simple type of organisation of smaller

This is only the beginning of a regressive analysis that could go much
further. In genetic epistemology, as in developmental psychology, too,
there is never an absolute beginning. We can never get back to the
point where we can say, "Here is the very beginning of logical
structures." As soon as we start talking about the general
coordination of actions, we are going to find ourselves, of course,
going even further back into the area of biology. We immediately get
into the realm of the coordinations within the nervous system and the
neuron network, as discussed by McCulloch and Pitts. And then, if we
look for the roots of the logic of the nervous system as discussed by
these workers, we have to go back a step further. We find more basic
organic coordinations. If we go further still into the realm of
comparative biology, we find structures of inclusion ordering
correspondence everywhere. I do not intend to go into biology; I just
want to carry this regressive analysis back to its beginnings in
psychology and to emphasise again that the formation of logical and
mathematical structures in human thinking cannot be explained by
language alone, but has its roots in the general coordination of

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