At 04:56 PM 7/25/2005 +0900, CeJ wrote:

I guess one question for discussion is whether or not, formal
linguistics as it follows from Chomsky and Halle is really more about
logic than it is about psycholinguistics. Earlier I called it an
epistemologically naive psychologization of structuralism. Which then
brings us back to the ultimate question: is logic something that
results from human psychology or something that exists outside it?
(Which also seems to bring me back to one of the first things I posted
to this list).

There are a number of questions balled together. While I think that the competence/performance distinction as originally conceived forestalled working out the actual relation between the two (perhaps premature at the time) and thus equated psychology (competence) with the linguistic formalism, I fail to see how linguistics is merely logic. Would you call generative phonology a form of logic?

On the broader question of logic, you wouldn't want to revert to the psychologism of the late 19th century, would you? There have been attempts to avoid both psychologism and Platonism--Popper, the Soviet notion of ideality, etc.

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