The resistance movement led by Arab nationalist and Shia cleric al
Sadr is now ready to head a post-Occupation Iraq in accord with the
Sunni resistance, and the Sadrists and their Sunni allies will not
stand for a permanent occupation or a split-up Iraq. So US and
Occupation talk of a 'drawdown' in US troop numbers is nothing but an
equivocation in attempt to placate some Iraqis and influence opinion
on the American homefront. However, the US national security state
plans for Iraq are:

-permanent occupation, 
-a weak 'federal' structure leading to collapse at the Arab centre,
-collaboration with centrifugal elements (Kurds, Shia separatists in
the south who want an exclusive deal on oil revenues, largey secular),
-and an Iraq re-built (i.e. occupied) only enough to quarter their
troops and airmen,

So all-out armed resistance and civil disobedience campaigns may be
the only way for the Iraqi nationalists and co-religionists to salvage
their country (I say 'co-religionists', since the core elements of the
Sunni, Shia and Kurd resistance to occupation and break-up are
Islamists with far more in common than not).

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Sunni cleric holds talks with Al Sadr


Najaf :  An influential Sunni Arab cleric met on Sunday with radical 
Shiite preacher Moqtada Al Sadr and afterward said Iraqis  cannot
produce a constitution freely as long as foreign troops  remain in the
country. The meeting between Al Sadr and Abdul Salam Al Kobeisi of the
 Association of Muslim Scholars was a sign that two rival  religious
groups are exploring ways to cooperate in the common  goal of limiting
US influence in the preparation of the  constitution. Both Al Sadr and
the association oppose the presence of  foreign troops. "The presence
of the occupier will not allow us to write our  constitution with
Iraqi hands," Al Kobeisi told reporters  after the meeting. "It will
be incantations from the occupier  like what happened in the interim


C. Jannuzzi
Fukui, Japan

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